HDP (Herodotus Data Processor) is a modular framework for validating on-chain data from multiple blockchain RPC sources, executing user-defined logic written in Cairo1, and producing an execution trace that can be used to generate a zero-knowledge proof. The proof attests to the correctness of both the on-chain data and the performed computation.
To install the required dependencies and set up the Python virtual environment, run:
Before running the program, prepare the input data. The inputs are provided via the hdp_input.json. Runtime require chain nodes RPC calls, ensure an environment variables .cargo/config.toml are set.
Simulate Cairo1 Module and Collect Proofs Information:
cargo run --release --bin dry_run -- --program_input examples/hdp_input.json --program_output hdp_keys.json --layout starknet_with_keccak
Fetch On-Chain Proofs Needed for the HDP Run:
cargo run --release --bin fetcher --features progress_bars -- hdp_keys.json --program_output hdp_proofs.json
Run Cairo1 Module with Verified On-Chain Data:
cargo run --release --bin sound_run -- --program_input examples/hdp_input.json --program_proofs hdp_proofs.json --print_output --layout starknet_with_keccak --cairo_pie_output pie.zip
The program will output the results root and tasks root. These roots can be used to extract the results from the on-chain contract.
Tests require chain nodes RPC calls. Ensure an environment variables .cargo/config.toml are set.
Build Cairo1 Modules:
scarb build
Run Tests with nextest:
cargo nextest run