Images ---> git directory hwdm/apbase ---> alpinebase: enhanced alpine base image hwdm/apglibc ---> alpineglibc: alpinebase + glibc hwdm/aprunit ---> aprunit: alpinebase + runit + multiple procs manangement scripts hwdm/aps6base ---> aps6base: alpinebase + s6 + multiple procs manangement scripts
Shared Users and Groups: www-data:www-data
Possible volumes and their purposes:
is for container-specific performance related pid, cache or tmp files.
is for inter-container-shared service configuration files etc.
is for inter-container-shared sock files etc.
is for inter-container-shared log files etc.
is for inter-container-shared web application source code and configurations.
is for inter-container-shared web application backend source code and configurations.