Writer's block. All of us have been there. Even the most skilled and knowledgeable writers and content providers occasionally encounter memory lapses. Nothing is worse than spending hours staring at a blinking cursor. However, your SEO and other marketing tactics may not be successful if your website lacks high-quality blog posts or articles. How can you overcome this cognitive tiredness and produce material at the required volume? This is where BlogAI comes in. You can take an idea and turn it into a whole blog article using AI writing tools in half the time it would have taken you before.Let's discuss some blogging best practises in this section, as well as how to effectively employ an AI blog tool for your benefit.
While coding this, i faced problems during the deployment of the python script in gradio. I ran into some semantic problems and dependency errors. So, i used co:here AI's documentation and some gradio documentation as well to solve the deployment problems. Also, apart from only a blogging tool, i planned on incorporating more technologies like speech recognition as well as intent recognition technologies. But, some of the dependencies crashed which generated unwanted errors. But in the near future, we plan on building upon this project and make it a healthy competitor in the market.