A simple app for rescue camp coordinators to enter information about accomodated individuals and supply requirements. Data is synced to keralarescue.in
Setup the backend Django application and run it.
Make sure your mobile is connected to same WiFi as your computer, and find out your local IP. (Example:
Import this project to Android studio.
Edit API base URL (with your local IP and server port) in
public class Config { public static String BASE_URL = ""; }
Create a user for the backend (using
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
). Create a relief camp.
We have hosted a test server of the Django application at This can be used for testing the app from the pre-built apk Link to APK in repo. You can use the default username:password (admin:admin) combination for the app for testing.
Run the app. Login using username and password for the user (admin:admin for test server settings).
Select the district that you created relief camp for. The camp should appear below (can be filtered by searching).
Click on the camp to open Person Registration.
Enter information for a person and submit it. You should see the count on top of the screen updating.
Submitting information should work manually (it will be shown as pending, which will be updated when internet is back)
Clicking Sync button should sync any pending items instantly.
Data should appear on your local application in Person Finder
- Test Server:
- Local: http://localhost:8000/find_people/
- Use the keystore file located here
- alias - key0
- password - keralarescue
MIT License