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Security: IMS-IIITH/frontend


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Version Supported
>= 2024.08.3
< 2024.08.*
>= 2024.08.3.pre<x>
Last Updated: 02 September 2024

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take the security of our project/application seriously, please do not make a public issue or PR or attempt to spread knowlege about this vulnerability. If you discover a vulnerability, please follow the steps below instead to report it:

Where to Report

Please report any vulnerabilities to our team at [email protected] or make a ticket in IIIT's help portal. Make sure to include the following details in your report:

  • A detailed description of the vulnerability.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
  • Any potential impact the vulnerability might have.

Response Time

You can expect an initial acknowledgment of your report within 48-72 hours of submission. Our team will review the report and provide updates on the progress frequently until the issue is resolved or a decision is made.

After Reporting

If the Vulnerability is Accepted

  • Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge the vulnerability and inform you of our plan to address it.
  • Resolution: Our team will work on a fix and release it as soon as possible.
  • Credit: If you desire, and it's appropriate, we will give you credit for your discovery in the release notes section.

If the Vulnerability is Declined

  • Explanation: We will provide a detailed explanation as to why the vulnerability is not being addressed at this time. This may include reasons such as it being a non-issue, low impact, or an already known and managed risk.


We request that you keep the details of any discovered vulnerabilities confidential until they are resolved. This helps prevent the exploitation of the issue by malicious parties.

Thank you for helping to keep our project and application secure!

There aren’t any published security advisories