You have an API that provides data for your Logscale repository. At the moment you have to get it from the API and send it to your Logscale instance via a bash script. That you also have to schedule via a cronjob.
Why not using a Docker container that runs the code in that interval that you specified and gets the data from the API and sends it to your Logscale repository.
The installation is quite simple. Just clone the repository and run the make command, to build the docker container.
git clone ITrunsDE/ApiToLogscale
make build
Or if you don't have docker-compose installed. You have to run the following commands to build and run your Docker.
docker build . -t ApiToLogscale:latest
docker run -v $(pwd)/src:/src -v $(pwd)/logs:/logs -v $(pwd)/configs/config.yaml:/src/config.yaml ApiToLogscale
Before you start your container, you should configure your config.yaml. Copy the config.yaml.example to config.yaml and edit it
cp configs/config.yaml.example configs/config.yaml
logscale_url: "" # or
token: ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff # repo ingest token
name: "Your API identifier"
url: ""
to_repository: your_repo_name # must match the name of the repo
min: 1
To run the docker container you can use the make command.
make up
This will run the container and first API call will start at the first end of the interval. If you have an interval of 1 minute, the first call will occur 1 minute after the first start of the container.
If you change something in your config.yaml you have to restart the container.
To add another repository you can just copy the exisiting code block or use the sample one.
token: ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff
The repo name another_repo is use an identifier in the API call section to_repository.
You can have multiple API calls to different locations at different intervals. Simply add the following code block and change your settings.
name: "Your API identifier"
url: "https://your_url_to_call_the_api"
to_repository: another_repo_name # must match the name of the repo
min: 60