🚧 PoC currently under construction/consideration. This repo may be deleted at any time.
Command line utility to interact with your local and remote ISLE installs.
Documentation is available at https://islandora-devops.github.io/islectl/
- The
commands for setting contexts were heavily inspired bykubectl
was also an inspiration for this tool, with the added goal/feature of also managing production installations as well as local, development environments for ISLE repositories.- This tool is meant to be a CLI equivalent of the
commands provided by isle-dc, but instead to be ran against isle-site-template
- Implement
make up
Brings up the containers or builds starter if no containers were found.- Now
islectl compose up
for existing sites. Useislectl create context
to create a new site
- Now
- Implement
make starter
Make a local site with codebase directory bind mounted, using starter site unless other package specified in .env or present already. - Implement
Make a local site with codebase directory bind mounted, using cloned starter site. - Implement
make pull
Fetches the latest images from the registry. - Implement
make build
Create Dockerfile from example if it does not exist. - Implement
make push-image
Push your custom drupal image to dockerhub or a container registry - Implement
make down
Brings down the containers. Same as docker compose down --remove-orphans- Now
islectl compose down
- Now
- Implement
make env
Pull in changes to the .env file. - Implement
make set_admin_password
Sets the Drupal admin password and accomodates for permissions restrictions to the secrets directory. Only runs sudo when needed. - Implement
make clean
Destroys everything beware! - Implement
make config-export
Exports the sites configuration.- Now
islectl drush cex
- Now
- Implement
make config-import
Import the sites configuration. N.B You may need to run this multiple times in succession due to errors in the configurations dependencies.- Now
islectl drush cim
- Now
- Implement
make demo_content
Helper function for demo sites: do a workbench import of sample objects - Implement
make hydrate
Reconstitute the site from environment variables. - Implement
make login
Runs "drush uli" to provide a direct login link for user 1- Now
islectl drush uli
with an optional--uid
flag and automatically opens link from terminal
- Now
- Implement
make secrets_warning
Check to see if the secrets directory contains default secrets. - Implement
make fix_masonry
Fix missing masonry library. - Implement
make fix_views
This fixes a know issues with views when using the make local build. The error must be triggered before this will work. - Implement
make xdebug
Turn on xdebug. - Implement
make set-timeout
Update all PHP and NGinx timeouts to TIMEOUT_VALUE - Support changing the docker compose project name
- Support configuring multiple isle-site-template contexts running locally
- Support moving from a docker volume to bind mount
- Support overridding conf