This is a demo implementation of BYOL for Audio (BYOL-A), a self-supervised learning method for general-purpose audio representation, includes:
- Training code that can train models with arbitrary audio files.
- Evaluation code that can evaluate trained models with downstream tasks.
- Pretrained weights.
If you find BYOL-A useful in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry for citation.
title={BYOL for Audio: Self-Supervised Learning for General-Purpose Audio Representation},
author={Daisuke Niizumi and Daiki Takeuchi and Yasunori Ohishi and Noboru Harada and Kunio Kashino},
booktitle = {2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, {IJCNN} 2021},
Download external source files, and apply a patch. Our implementation uses the following.
- BYOL implementation:
- MLPClassifier for PyTorch:
curl -O patch < byol_a/byol_pytorch.diff mv byol_a curl -O mv utils
Install PyTorch 1.7.1, torchaudio, and other dependencies listed on requirements.txt.
The following steps will perform a downstream task evaluation by linear-probe fashion. This is an example with SPCV2; Speech commands dataset v2.
Preprocess metadata (.csv file) and audio files, processed files will be stored under a folder
.# usage: python -m utils.preprocess_ds <downstream task> <path to its dataset> python -m utils.preprocess_ds spcv2 /path/to/speech_commands_v0.02
Run evaluation. This will convert all .wav audio to representation embeddings first, train a lineaer layer network, then calculate accuracy as a result.
python pretrained_weights/AudioNTT2020-BYOLA-64x96d2048.pth spcv2
You can also run an evaluation multiple times and take an average result. Following will evaluate on UrbanSound8K with a unit audio duration of 4.0 seconds, for 10 times.
# usage: python <your weight> <downstream task> <unit duration sec.> <# of iteration>
python pretrained_weights/AudioNTT2020-BYOLA-64x96d2048.pth us8k 4.0 10
Similarly, the following evaluates on NSynth (4.0 seconds long) 10 times.
python pretrained_weights/AudioNTT2020-BYOLA-64x96d2048.pth nsynth 4.0 10
This is an example to calculate a feature vector for an audio sample.
from byol_a.common import *
from byol_a.augmentations import PrecomputedNorm
from byol_a.models import AudioNTT2020
device = torch.device('cuda')
cfg = load_yaml_config('config.yaml')
# Mean and standard deviation of the log-mel spectrogram of input audio samples, pre-computed.
# See calc_norm_stats in for your reference.
stats = [-5.4919195, 5.0389895]
# Preprocessor and normalizer.
to_melspec = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram(
normalizer = PrecomputedNorm(stats)
# Load pretrained weights.
model = AudioNTT2020(d=cfg.feature_d)
model.load_weight('pretrained_weights/AudioNTT2020-BYOLA-64x96d2048.pth', device)
# Load your audio file.
wav, sr = torchaudio.load('work/16k/spcv2/one/00176480_nohash_0.wav') # a sample from SPCV2 for now
assert sr == cfg.sample_rate, "Let's convert the audio sampling rate in advance, or do it here online."
# Convert to a log-mel spectrogram, then normalize.
lms = normalizer((to_melspec(wav) + torch.finfo(torch.float).eps).log())
# Now, convert the audio to the representation.
features = model(lms.unsqueeze(0))
You can also train models. Followings are an example of training on FSD50K.
Convert all samples to 16kHz. This will convert all FSD50K files to a folder
while preserving folder structure.python -m utils.convert_wav /path/to/fsd50k work/16k/fsd50k
Start training, this example trains with all development set audio samples from FSD50K.
python work/16k/fsd50k/FSD50K.dev_audio
Refer to Table VI on our paper for the performance of a model trained on FSD50K.
We include 3 pretrained weights of our encoder network.
Method | Dim. | Filename | NSynth | US8K | VoxCeleb1 | VoxForge | SPCV2/12 | SPCV2 | Average |
BYOL-A | 512-d | AudioNTT2020-BYOLA-64x96d512.pth | 69.1% | 78.2% | 33.4% | 83.5% | 86.5% | 88.9% | 73.3% |
BYOL-A | 1024-d | AudioNTT2020-BYOLA-64x96d1024.pth | 72.7% | 78.2% | 38.0% | 88.5% | 90.1% | 91.4% | 76.5% |
BYOL-A | 2048-d | AudioNTT2020-BYOLA-64x96d2048.pth | 74.1% | 79.1% | 40.1% | 90.2% | 91.0% | 92.2% | 77.8% |
This implementation is for your evaluation of BYOL-A paper, see LICENSE for the detail.
BYOL-A is built on top of byol-pytorch, a BYOL implementation by Phil Wang (@lucidrains). We thank Phil for open-source sophisticated code.
author = {Phil Wang},
title = {Bootstrap Your Own Latent (BYOL), in Pytorch},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = {2020}
- BYOL: J.-B. Grill and F. Strub and F. Altché and C. Tallec and P. H. Richemond and E. Buchatskaya and C. Doersch and B. A. Pires and Z. D. Guo and M. G. Azar and B. Piot and K. Kavukcuoglu and R. Munos and M. Valko, "Bootstrap Your Own Latent - A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning," 2020
- BYOL-A: Daisuke Niizumi, Daiki Takeuchi, Yasunori Ohishi, Noboru Harada, and Kunio Kashino "BYOL for Audio: Self-Supervised Learning for General-Purpose Audio Representation," 2021
- FSD50K: Eduardo Fonseca and Xavier Favory and Jordi Pons and Frederic Font and Xavier Serra, “FSD50K: an Open Dataset of Human-Labeled Sound Events,” 2020.
- NSynth: Jesse Engel and Cinjon Resnick and Adam Roberts and Sander Dieleman and Mohammad Norouzi and Douglas Eck and Karen Simonyan, "Neural Audio Synthesis of Musical Notes with WaveNet Autoencoders," 2017
- US8K: Justin Salamon and Christopher Jacoby, and Juan Pablo Bello, "A Dataset and Taxonomy for Urban Sound Research," 2014
- SPCV2: Pete Warden, "Speech Commands: A Dataset for Limited-Vocabulary Speech Recognition," 2018
- VoxCeleb1: Arsha Nagrani and Joon Son Chung and Andrew Zisserman, "VoxCeleb: A Large-Scale Speaker Identification Dataset," 2017
- VoxForge: K. MacLean, "VoxForge," 2018