The project is the backend part of a web3 marketplace where users can buy and sell their NFTs using ERC20 token For the front-end part of this project, see
To run this project, make sure you check out both front-end part and backend aprt
Check out about how the project works like
- Mint a NFT
- Explore/filter/search NFTs
- Buy & sell NFT using ERC20 token
- Put NFTs to cart waiting for payment
- Charge account by ERC20 token
- Leave comments for a NFT
- Update user setting
npm install
mongodb 4.4.27-rc0 installed on local
npm install --save express
npm install --save lodash
npm install --save cookie-parser
npm install --save winston
npm install --save yup
npm install --save dotenv
npm install --save bcrypt
npm install --save jsonwebtoken
npm install --save ethers
npm install --save cors
npm install --save mongoose
npm install --save-dev jest
npm install --save-dev jest-when
npm install --save multer
npm install --save redis
npm install --save
npm install --save axios
The project can run both local and testnet. For mainnet, I haven't yet published it on it. If you want to run it locally, check How to run on local section. If you want to run it on testnet(Sepolia), check How to run on testnet section If you want to run it on mainnet, check How to run on mainnet section
The overview of steps:
- Install tools
- Edit config file
- Start backend
- Run verification
- Install mongodb Check to download and install mongoBD
- Install Compass(Optional) I strongly recommend you install Compass since it is a convenient tool to analysis MongoDB data. Of course, it is not required. If you want to install it, check:
- Install IPFS Desktop Check out to install it
- Install redis You can install redis either by docker or on desktop only. either way is fine. For the installtion by docker, here is my command to intall redis:
Step1: // install redis client
sudo apt-get install redis-tools
Step2: // install redis server
sudo docker run --name redis \
-v /home/jane/docker/redis/data:/data \
-v /home/jane/docker/redis/conf:/usr/local/etc/redis \
-p 6379:6379 --restart=always \
-d redis:6.2.3 redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
- /home/jane/docker/redis/conf is the dir where we put redis.conf
- redis.conf is under installations
Step3: verify installation:
check the line below in file redis.conf for the password:
#requirepass redis
Here psw is redis
run cmd below to connect remote redis server:
# redis-cli -h -a redis
Note: is the ip of the host where you install redis
SET runoobkey redis => OK
get runoobkey => "redis"
ping => pong
Update address for smart contracts
Go to front-end part of this project, see, check out readme. Make sure you should follow the readme in front-end part first.
Once all smart contracts are deployed, edit config/configuration/config.common.js. Update address under chains.local.contracts. The updating steps for config.common.js is the same as what we did for front-end part.
Once updating is done, make sure config.common.js in backend part is the same as config.common.js in front-end part
Update config for redis
Edit under config/configuration, update values defined in config.redis:
config.redis = {
username: '',
password: 'redis',
host: '',
port: 6379
Update values for username, password, host and 6379 according to your personal setting
- Update config for mongoDB Edit under config/configuration, update values defined in config.database:
config.database = {
host: ''
Update value for host according to your personal setting
- On windows:
npm run start_win_dev
Note: Make sure both front-end and backend start project using the same command. Eg. If front-end starts project with command npm run start_win_dev
, so does back-end
Check to see how to mint a new NFT and make it public. Run the restful api in postman: http://localhost:3100/apis/v1/nfts?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=updatedAt:desc&status=on
If everything works well, there should have one NFT returned
For more restful apis, check second-hand.postman_collection.json (You need to import it into postman)
- On windows:
npm run start_win_stage
- On windows:
npm run start_win_prod
npm run test