Check out about introduction to the project
This project is to showcase how to use material-ui library. The following features in MUI are used:
- ThemeProvider
- createTheme
- styled
- Drawer
- Box, Container, Paper, IconButton,Button, Avatar, TextField, Typography,Tooltip
- Collapse, breakpoints, Color,
- Link, ListItem, Divider, Toolbar, AppBar, Tooltip, Icon
- Card, Menu, CardMedia, Dialog, Grid
- useMediaQuery,
- Chip
This project uses the following features in react:
- useEffect, useState
- localStorage
- Router
- useSearchParams
- useNavigate
The project is configurable
- All data shown in the form of pages are configured in src/data/MockData.js. You could configure data here as much as you want, and the pages show you data immediately without changing any codes
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
npm install @fontsource/roboto
npm install @mui/icons-material
npm install react-router-dom
npm install react-masonry-css
npm start