Copyright © 2024 by Jeffrey A. Sarnoff <[email protected]>.
bitsof(x) = sizeof(x) * 8
surrounding_zeros(x) = leading_zeros(x) + trailing_zeros(x)
struct BitMask{T<:Base.BitUnsigned}
BitMask(mask::T, shift::I, nbits::I) <: Integer =
BitMask(mask, shift%Int16, nbits%Int16)
unsigned content with adjacent 1-bits as a mask
mask(x::BitMask) = x.bitmask
positional count relative to lsb
shift(x::BitMask) = x.shift
number of bits
nbits(x::BitMask) = x.nbits
unsigned type
utype(x::BitMask{T}) where {T} = T
mutable struct BitField
- mutable field `value`
- const field `mask`
mutable struct BitField{T<:Base.BitUnsigned}
const mask::T
mask(x::BitField) = x.mask
value(x::BitField) = x.value
obtain value(x) shifted into the lsbs
@inline function getvalue(x::BitField{T}) where {T}
(value(x) & mask(x)) >> trailing_zeros(mask(x))
setvalue!(x::BitField, newvalue)
shift the newvalue into position, replace value(x)
@inline function setvalue!(x::BitField{T}, newvalue::T) where {T}
newval = (newvalue & (mask(x) >> trailing_zeros(mask(x))))
x.value = newvalye << trailing_zeros(mask(x))
unsafe_setvalue!(x::BitField, newvalue)
replace value(x) with the newvalue as positioned
@inline function unsafe_setvalue!(x::BitField{T}, newvalue::T) where {T}
x.value = newvalue & mask(x)
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (shift from lsb, 0-based)
- The bitmask for this bitfield is
. - The bitwidth of this bitfield is
, the number of bits spanned. - The shift of this bitfield is
, the position of the field's lsb. - The Carrier of this bitfield is the type
shift(x::BitField) = shift(bitmask(x))
bitwidth(x::BitField) = bitwidth(bitmask(x))
bitstype(x::BitField) = eltype(x)
shift(bitmask) = trailing_zeros(bitmask)
bitwidth(bitmask) = bitsof(bitmask) - surrounding_zeros(bitmask)
bitstype(bitmask) = typeof(bitmask)
- Every bitfield is given by its name and its bitmask.
- Every bitfield covers one or more adjacent bits, this extent is its width.
- Every bitfield is shifted up from the least significant bit position of carrier into the carrier by zero or more from the lsb by zero or more bit positions, this count is its shift. [shifts are 0-based, shift=index-1].
A bitfield is a named span of bits within an unsigned bitstype. Multiple bitfields may co-reside within an unsigned bitstype. Coresident bitfields must be non-overlapping.
The unsigned bitstype in which mutiple bitfields co-reside is their carrier
. The Carrier Type
automatically assigned to hold co-resident bitfields is the smallest unsigned type that accommodates all of the constituent bitfields. If desired, a larger carrier type may be specified.
bitsof(x) = 8sizeof(x)
bitsof(bitmask) == bitwidth of bitfield +
leading_zeros(bitmask) +
One way to specify a bitfield is to give its bitwidth, the count of bits spanned, and its shift, the shift up from the least significant bit.
Another way to specify a bitfield is to give its bitmask, the sequence of bits that covers the bitfield exactly set to 0b1 and there rest of the bits , in its intended position.
Usually, related bitfields are collected as sequenced coEvery co-resident sequence of bitfields has a name, given as a Symbol.
- One way to give a bitfield sequence is to specify the constituent bitfields together as a NamedTuple.
You may use either ascending position order or descending position order.
BitfieldSequence = (UTF8 = 0b1000_0000, ASCII=0b0111_1111)
BitfieldSequence = (parity = 0b0000_0001, task = 0b0000_1110)