Written by Jonathanio123 and goran515
The component is meant to visualize live process-signals from the paint control system. This can be considered a multi-channel oscilloscope running on an App and/or in a browser.
Target platforms: Windows 10/11 (WinUI) and Firefox/Chrome (WebAssembly)
ScottPlot 5 is used as the plotting library
When new commits are pushed to the main branch a new build is automatically created and published. These are kept for 90 days. Builds are published in release mode.
These builds are Self-Contained so no external dependencies should be needed. However, for the wasm build a webserver is needed to host the app 💡
- Link to the latest successful publish action ✔
- Select the latest build (top of the list)
- Scroll down to the "Artifacts" section
- Click on SampleApp.WinUI to download the latest build of the WinUI app or click on SampleApp.Wasm to download the latest build of the Wasm app
- Unzip the downloaded file to a folder of your choice
Now for the WinUI app simply run the
to launch the app 🚀 -
For the Wasm build, you need to run a local webserver to serve the app. I recommend dotnet-serve, but you can use any other webserver.
- Install the dotnet-serve tool, requires .Net 5 or newer:
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-serve
- Run the command
dotnet serve -p 8080
while inside the downloaded folder - Open a browser and navigate to
- Install the dotnet-serve tool, requires .Net 5 or newer:
- I suggest following the official Uno Getting Started guide
- Once your environment is setup, Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Jonathanio123/SignalPlot
- Then in your IDE, open the
file - Then select your target platform (WinUI or Wasm) and run the project