client · 
Habbo Hotel (r60+) remake made with modern (as 2019) technologies. This repo features a TypeScript/PixiJS/React Habbo Hotel client remake.
- Built-in avatar imager
- Built-in furni imager
- Walking, sitting, waving, blinking and speaking animations.
- Basic furni interaction (double clicking a furni will change its state)
- Furni particle system (the farther elements are drawn first, so there's a 3D illusion)
- Furni animations
- Chat bubbles handled by game engine
- Catalogue
- Furni inventory
- Console / Messenger
- Navigator
To run your own 'bobba' you will have to consider 3 parts:
- Client: You'll have to build this project and deploy it to a web server.
- Server: project includes a compatible server written in Java. You'll have to deploy it too in order to make your client useful. Available at: bobba_server
- Assets: Like Habbo, avatar and furni assets are not included in the client, so you'll have to provide it with a web hosted folder with your assets. You can generate your furni assets using this node-based tool: bobba_furni_converter And your avatar assets with the PHP-based tool from bobba_avatarimager. (Thanks Tsuka).
- Nodejs 10
- npm
To build the client execute the following commands:
git clone
cd bobba_client
npm install
npm start
Then you'll be running the React development server. If you want to deploy it, run
npm run build
- bobba_server: Official compatible bobba server.
- bobba_furni_converter: Furni assets generation tool.
- bobba_avatarimager: Avatar assets generation tool.
- bobba_cms: Unfinished CMS made for bobba in React.
- battleball_client: Bobba 1.0 client
- battleball_server: Bobba 1.0 server
Made with <3 by Relevance.