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Josh Heng edited this page Sep 20, 2020 · 4 revisions


All requests are authenticated with the ffauth_device_id and ffauth_secret URL query parameters

Getting a Token (Uses Web Browser)

First, you must visit your school instance online using a standard browser and log in as you would normally. Then make the request below in the same authenticated browser (you only need to change the URL).


GET request to /Login/api/gettoken?ffauth_device_id={ Device ID }&ffauth_secret=&device_id={ Device ID }&app_id={ App ID }

The URL /login/login.aspx?prelogin={ Get Token Endpoint URL } can also be used if not already logged in. This will ask the user to login, then redirect them to the token endpoint

  • Host - String - The host/base endpoint of the instance, typically something like
  • Device ID - String - A random string which is used to identify the device. It should be unique
  • App ID - String - A string which is used to identify the app in the Account Settings/Apps tab on the main webpage dashboard in order to revoke access. The App ID for the default Student Planner for iOS is ipad_tasks

Response (XML)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    {{ Secret }
    <user demo="no" product_survey="no" contact_signup="yes" local="no" username="{{ Username }}" fullname="{{ Full Name }}" email="{{ Email }}" guid="{{ GUID }}" role="{{ Role }}" heap_id="{{ Heap ID }}" heap_handle="{{ Heap Handle }}" heap_role="student" logouturl="logout" abdicate="no" abdicateDashboard="yes">
            <class guid="{{ Class GUID }}" name="{{ Class Name }}" subject="{{ Class Subject }}"/>
			<class guid="{{ Class GUID }}" name="{{ Class Name }}" subject="{{ Class Subject }}"/>
    <installation version="{{ Installation Version }}" integer-version="{{ Installation Integer Version }}" mode="{{ Installation Mode }}" id="{{ Installation ID }}"/>
    <browser dhtml="yes">
        <version major="1" minor="0"/>
    <datetime day="01" dayname="Monday" month="01" monthname="January" year="2000" time="01:23" time12h="01:23 AM" exacttime="01:23:45" rfc1123="Mon, 01 Jan 2000 01:23:45 GMT"/>
  • Secret - String - The secret for the token
  • Username - String - The username of the user
  • Full Name - String - The full name of the user
  • Email - String - The email of the user
  • GUID - String - The GUID of the user
  • Role - String - The role of the user. Typically student
  • Heap ID - Integer - The ID of the user across Firefly
  • Heap Handle - String - The handle of the user across Firefly. Typically {{ username }}@{{ host }}
  • Class GUID - String - The GUID of the class
  • Class Name - String - The name of the class. Typically the set
  • Class Subject - String - The subject of the class.
  • Installation Version - String - The version of the instance. (x.x.x)
  • Installation Integer Version - Integer - The version of the instance in an integer form. (xxxxx)
  • Installation Mode - String - The mode of the instance. Typically Firefly 6 is enabled
  • Installation ID - Integer - The ID of the instance across Firefly

Verify Token

Note - Using the same browser as the one that obtained the token returns an invalid response. If this doesn't work, try using a private window or a different browser.


GET request to /Login/api/verifytoken?ffauth_device_id={{ Device ID }}&ffauth_secret={{ Secret }}

  • Device ID - String - The string used to identify the request
  • Secret - String - The secret obtained to authenticate the request


  • User-Agent: Any string

Response (JSON)

Invalid Token

  "valid": false,
  "displayTitle": "You have been logged out",
  "displayMessage": "Invalid Login"

Valid Token

  "valid": true,

Delete Token


GET request to /login/api/deletetoken?ffauth_device_id={{ Device ID }}&ffauth_secret={{ Secret }}&app_id={{ App ID }}

  • Device ID - String - The string used to identify the request
  • Secret - String - The secret obtained to authenticate the request
  • App ID - String - The app ID which was submitted when the token was generated (also found in the Account Settings/Apps tab on the main webpage dashboard)


  • User-Agent: Any string




Note that this will always be the response as long as the credentials are correct. If the App ID didn't match, the token will still not be deleted.