is a Python toolkit I created to solve a problem I kept running into: the tedious task of cleaning and standardizing textual data in pandas DataFrames. Across multiple projects, I found myself repeatedly writing the same DataFrame cleaning functions. This repetitive workflow became a significant time sink, prompting me to develop this toolkit as a personal solution for streamlining text cleaning within the pandas ecosystem.
The toolkit includes functions to:
- Extract digits from phone numbers while validating minimum length requirements
- Convert messy monetary values and percentages into proper numeric formats
- Standardize email addresses and URLs for consistency
- Transform scientific notation into regular decimal numbers
- Convert roman numerals to standard integers
- Perform basic encryption and decryption of sensitive data
- Python 3.9 or higher
- Dependencies listed in requirements.txt
# Get the code
git clone
cd data-cleaning-toolkit
# Set up Python environment
python -m venv virt
source virt/bin/activate # For Windows use: virt\Scripts\activate
# Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
import pandas as pd
from src.main import DataCleaner
# Create a sample DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({
'phone': ['+1-234-567-8901', '123456789'],
'price': ['$123.45', '1,234'],
'email': ['[email protected]', 'invalid']
# Create cleaner instance and clean data
cleaner = DataCleaner()
df = cleaner.clean_phone_numbers(df, ['phone']) # Remove non-digits
df = cleaner.clean_monetary_values(df, ['price']) # Convert to float
df = cleaner.clean_emails(df, ['email']) # Standardize format
Each method takes a DataFrame and column names as input:
# Phone numbers: Keeps only digits
cleaner.clean_phone_numbers(df, ['phone_col'])
# Input: '+1-234-567-8901' → Output: '12345678901'
# Money: Converts to float
cleaner.clean_monetary_values(df, ['price_col'])
# Input: '$123.45' → Output: 123.45
# Percentages: Converts to decimal
cleaner.clean_percentages(df, ['percent_col'])
# Input: '50%' → Output: 0.5
# Emails: Standardizes format
cleaner.clean_emails(df, ['email_col'])
# Input: '[email protected]' → Output: '[email protected]'
# URLs: Removes prefixes
cleaner.clean_urls(df, ['url_col'])
# Input: '' → Output: ''
# Scientific notation: Converts to decimal
cleaner.clean_scientific_notation(df, ['scientific_col'])
# Input: '1.23e-4' → Output: 0.000123
# Roman numerals: Converts to integer
cleaner.clean_roman_numerals(df, ['roman_col'])
# Input: 'IV' → Output: 4
# Encryption/Decryption
cleaner.encrypt_columns(df, ['sensitive_col'], 'secret123')
cleaner.decrypt_columns(df, ['col_encrypted'], 'secret123')
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Create an issue on GitHub for bugs or feature requests
- Email: [email protected] for direct support
To contribute:
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch:
git checkout -b feature/new-feature
- Make your changes
- Run tests to ensure quality
- Submit a Pull Request
- Follow PEP 8 Python style guidelines
- Include docstrings for all functions
- Add type hints for better code clarity
- Comment complex logic sections
Important Note: The encryption functions are basic implementations for personal use. For production systems handling sensitive data, please use established encryption libraries.