A package generates Julia-based survey form in many different languages and formats. This package is motivated by creating Chinese translation for JuliaCon's Julia survey every year and I'd like to automate this process with good text-diff using TOML and automated Google translate.
JuliaSurveyForm is a
Julia Language
package. To install JuliaSurveyForm,
please open
Julia's interactive session (known as REPL) and press ] key in the REPL to use the package mode, then type the following command
pkg> add JuliaSurveyForm
read the TOML file from survey
surveys_dir(xs...) = pkgdir(JuliaSurveyForm, "surveys", xs...)
survey_en_US = from_toml(Survey, surveys_dir("JuliaSurvey.en_US.toml"))
survey_zh_CN = from_toml(Survey, surveys_dir("JuliaSurvey.zh_CN.toml"))
then you can translate to other languages based on the version you import, e.g we can translate from simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese, or from Chinese to Japanese or Korean.
survey_zh_TW = JuliaSurveyForm.translate(survey_zh_CN, zh_TW)
survey_ja_JP = JuliaSurveyForm.translate(survey_zh_CN, ja_JP)
survey_ko_KR = JuliaSurveyForm.translate(survey_zh_CN, ko_KR)
then we can serialize the translated version into either markdown or TOML file.
JuliaSurveyForm.emit_toml(surveys_dir("JuliaSurvey.zh_TW.toml"), survey_zh_TW)
JuliaSurveyForm.emit_toml(surveys_dir("JuliaSurvey.ja_JP.toml"), survey_ja_JP)
JuliaSurveyForm.emit_toml(surveys_dir("JuliaSurvey.ko_KR.toml"), survey_ko_KR)
JuliaSurveyForm.emit_markdown("JuliaSurvey.zh_CN.md", survey_zh_CN)
JuliaSurveyForm.emit_markdown("JuliaSurvey.zh_CN.md", survey_zh_CN)
MIT License