Releases: JuliaWGPU/WGPUCore.jl
Releases · JuliaWGPU/WGPUCore.jl
WGPUCore v0.1.5
Diff since v0.1.4
Merged pull requests:
- include WGPUCanvas dependency (#16) (@arhik)
- Covering cases for fallback canvas and no canvas (compute case) (#17) (@arhik)
- bumping to v1.4 (#20) (@arhik)
- bump version to v1.5 (#21) (@arhik)
Closed issues:
- Error running the triangle example (#15)
WGPUCore v0.1.3
Diff since v0.1.2
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- OffscreenCanvas broken (#1)
- compute_noop2.jl example not working (#2)
- GetCocoaWindow not defined (#8)
WGPUCore v0.1.1
Merged pull requests:
- LInux compatibility and windows placeholder for further implementation (#3) (@arhik)
- Rename for Julia Registrator (#4) (@arhik)
- Fixes GLFW X11 headless issue (#5) (@arhik)
Removing dependency on objectiveC and adding an artifact for cocoa window.