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✨Install-Time GUID Mismatch Detection
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ModuleFast will now check at install time if the manifest GUID does not match what was in the spec. We unfortunately cannot do this earlier in the process without fully downloading the modules, as Nuget v3 doesn't have a standard location to store the GUID for PowerShell modules in the metadata. There could potentially be a tag like "GUID:XXX-YYY-ZZZ" used for this purpose in the future.

A warning was also added against using GUID to match in general.

Fixes #43
  • Loading branch information
JustinGrote authored Jan 2, 2024
1 parent 92b6592 commit 44c656f
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Showing 2 changed files with 82 additions and 39 deletions.
100 changes: 66 additions & 34 deletions ModuleFast.psm1
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Expand Up @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ function Get-ModuleFastPlan {
#The module(s) to install. This can be a string, a ModuleSpecification, a hashtable with nuget version style (e.g. @{Name='test';Version='1.0'}), a hashtable with ModuleSpecification style (e.g. @{Name='test';RequiredVersion='1.0'}),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,6 +543,10 @@ function Get-ModuleFastPlan {
throw 'Failed to find Module Specification for completed task. This is a bug.'

if ($currentModuleSpec.Guid -ne [Guid]::Empty) {
Write-Warning "${currentModuleSpec}: A GUID constraint was found in the module spec. ModuleSpec will currently only verify GUIDs after the module has been installed, so a plan may not be accurate. It is not recommended to match modules by GUID in ModuleFast."

Write-Debug "${currentModuleSpec}: Processing Response"
# We use GetAwaiter so we get proper error messages back, as things such as network errors might occur here.
try {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,7 +602,6 @@ function Get-ModuleFastPlan {

if ($currentModuleSpec.SatisfiedBy($candidate)) {
#TODO: If the found version still matches an installed version, we should skip it
Write-Debug "${ModuleSpec}: Found satisfying version $candidate in the inlined index."
$matchingEntry = $entries | Where-Object version -EQ $candidate
if ($matchingEntry.count -gt 1) { throw 'Multiple matching Entries found for a specific version. This is a bug and should not happen' }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -683,6 +686,9 @@ function Get-ModuleFastPlan {
if ($moduleSpec.Guid -and $moduleSpec.Guid -ne [Guid]::Empty) {
$selectedModule.Guid = $moduleSpec.Guid

#If -Update was specified, we need to re-check that none of the selected modules are already installed.
#TODO: Persist state of the local modules found to this point so we don't have to recheck.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -907,34 +913,52 @@ function Install-ModuleFastHelper {
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$stream = $USING:stream,
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$context = $USING:context
$installPath = $context.InstallPath
$installIndicatorPath = Join-Path $installPath '.incomplete'
process {
$installPath = $context.InstallPath
$installIndicatorPath = Join-Path $installPath '.incomplete'

if (Test-Path $installIndicatorPath) {
#FIXME: Output inside a threadjob is not surfaced to the user.
Write-Warning "$($context.Module): Incomplete installation found at $installPath. Will delete and retry."
Remove-Item $installPath -Recurse -Force

if (-not (Test-Path $context.InstallPath)) {
New-Item -Path $context.InstallPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

New-Item -ItemType File -Path $installIndicatorPath -Force | Out-Null

$zip = [IO.Compression.ZipArchive]::new($stream, 'Read')
[IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToDirectory($zip, $installPath)

if ($context.Module.Guid -and $context.Module.Guid -ne [Guid]::Empty) {
Write-Debug "$($context.Module): GUID was specified in Module. Verifying manifest"
$manifestPath = Join-Path $installPath "$($context.Module.Name).psd1"
#FIXME: This should be using Import-ModuleManifest but it needs to be brought in via the ThreadJob context. This will fail if the module has a dynamic manifest.
$manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile $manifestPath
if ($manifest.Guid -ne $context.Module.Guid) {
Remove-Item $installPath -Force -Recurse
throw [InvalidOperationException]"$($context.Module): The installed package GUID does not match what was in the Module Spec. Expected $($context.Module.Guid) but found $($manifest.Guid) in $($manifestPath). Deleting this module, please check that your GUID specification is correct, or otherwise investigate why the GUID is different."

if (Test-Path $installIndicatorPath) {
#FIXME: Output inside a threadjob is not surfaced to the user.
Write-Warning "$($context.Module): Incomplete installation found at $installPath. Will delete and retry."
Remove-Item $installPath -Recurse -Force
Write-Debug "Cleanup Nuget Files in $installPath"
if (-not $installPath) { throw 'ModuleDestination was not set. This is a bug, report it' }
Get-ChildItem -Path $installPath | Where-Object {
$_.Name -in '_rels', 'package', '[Content_Types].xml' -or
} | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse

Remove-Item $installIndicatorPath -Force
return $context

if (-not (Test-Path $context.InstallPath)) {
New-Item -Path $context.InstallPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
if ($zip) {$zip.Dispose()}
if ($stream) {$stream.Dispose()}

New-Item -ItemType File -Path $installIndicatorPath -Force | Out-Null

$zip = [IO.Compression.ZipArchive]::new($stream, 'Read')
[IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToDirectory($zip, $installPath)
#FIXME: Output inside a threadjob is not surfaced to the user.
Write-Debug "Cleanup Nuget Files in $installPath"
if (-not $installPath) { throw 'ModuleDestination was not set. This is a bug, report it' }
Get-ChildItem -Path $installPath | Where-Object {
$_.Name -in '_rels', 'package', '[Content_Types].xml' -or
} | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
Remove-Item $installIndicatorPath -Force
return $context
Expand All @@ -957,6 +981,12 @@ function Install-ModuleFastHelper {
return $installedModules
if ($installJobs) {
$installJobs | Remove-Job -Force

function Import-ModuleManifest {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1014,6 +1044,7 @@ class ModuleFastInfo: IComparable {
#TODO: This should be a getter
[Guid]$Guid = [Guid]::Empty

ModuleFastInfo([string]$Name, [NuGetVersion]$ModuleVersion, [Uri]$Location) {
$this.Name = $Name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1228,10 +1259,6 @@ class ModuleFastSpec {
$this._Name = $TrimmedName
$this._VersionRange = $Range ?? [VersionRange]::new()
$this._Guid = $Guid ?? [Guid]::Empty
# TODO: Fix this check logic
# if ($this.Guid -ne [Guid]::Empty -and -not $this.Required) {
# throw 'Cannot specify Guid unless min and max are the same. If you see this, it is probably a bug'
# }

hidden Initialize([ModuleSpecification]$ModuleSpec) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1530,10 +1557,7 @@ function Find-LocalModule {

#We want to minimize reading the manifest files, so we will do a fast file-based search first and then do a more detailed inspection on high confidence candidate(s). Any module in any folder path that satisfies the spec will be sufficient, we don't care about finding the "latest" version, so we will return the first module that satisfies the spec.

#We will store potential candidates in this list, with their evaluated "guessed" version based on the folder name and the path. The first items added to the list should be the highest likelihood candidates in Path priority order, so no sorting should be necessary.

#We want to minimize reading the manifest files, so we will do a fast file-based search first and then do a more detailed inspection on high confidence candidate(s). Any module in any folder path that satisfies the spec will be sufficient, we don't care about finding the "latest" version, so we will return the first module that satisfies the spec. We will store potential candidates in this list, with their evaluated "guessed" version based on the folder name and the path. The first items added to the list should be the highest likelihood candidates in Path priority order, so no sorting should be necessary.

foreach ($modulePath in $modulePaths) {
[List[[Tuple[Version, string]]]]$candidatePaths = @()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1639,6 +1663,10 @@ function Find-LocalModule {

#Read the manifest so we can compare prerelease info. If this matches, we have a valid candidate and don't need to check anything further.
$manifestCandidate = ConvertFrom-ModuleManifest $versionedManifestPath[0]
if ($ModuleSpec.Guid -and $ModuleSpec.Guid -ne [Guid]::Empty -and $manifestCandidate.Guid -ne $ModuleSpec.Guid) {
Write-Warning "${ModuleSpec}: A locally installed module $folder that matches the module spec but the manifest GUID $($manifestCandidate.Guid) does not match the expected GUID $($ModuleSpec.Guid) in the spec. Verify your specification is correct otherwise investigate this module for why the GUID does not match."
$candidateVersion = $manifestCandidate.ModuleVersion

if ($ModuleSpec.SatisfiedBy($candidateVersion)) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1842,7 +1870,11 @@ filter ConvertFrom-ModuleManifest {

return [ModuleFastInfo]::new($ManifestName, $manifestVersion, $ManifestPath)
$moduleFastInfo = [ModuleFastInfo]::new($ManifestName, $manifestVersion, $ManifestPath)
if ($manifestVersion.Guid) {
$moduleFastInfo.Guid = $manifestVersion.Guid
return $moduleFastInfo

#endregion Helpers
Expand Down
21 changes: 16 additions & 5 deletions ModuleFast.tests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ Describe 'Install-ModuleFast' -Tag 'E2E' {
It 'Only installs once when Update is specified and latest has not changed for multiple modules' {
Install-ModuleFast @imfParams 'Az.Compute', 'Az.CosmosDB' -Update
Install-ModuleFast @imfParams 'Az.Compute', 'Az.CosmosDB' -Update -WhatIf
Install-ModuleFast @imfParams 'Az.Compute', 'Az.CosmosDB' -Update -Plan
| Should -BeNullOrEmpty

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,14 +534,14 @@ Describe 'Install-ModuleFast' -Tag 'E2E' {
It 'Doesnt install prerelease if same-version Prerelease already installed' {
Install-ModuleFast @imfParams 'PrereleaseTest=0.0.1-prerelease'
$plan = Install-ModuleFast @imfParams 'PrereleaseTest=0.0.1-prerelease' -WhatIf
$plan = Install-ModuleFast @imfParams 'PrereleaseTest=0.0.1-prerelease' -Plan
$plan | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

It 'Installs from <Name> SpecFile' {
$SCRIPT:Mocks = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot/Test/Mocks"
$specFilePath = Join-Path $Mocks $File
$modulesToInstall = Install-ModuleFast @imfParams -Path $specFilePath -WhatIf
$modulesToInstall = Install-ModuleFast @imfParams -Path $specFilePath -Plan
#TODO: Verify individual modules and versions
$modulesToInstall | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
} -TestCases @(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,9 +609,20 @@ Describe 'Install-ModuleFast' -Tag 'E2E' {
}" | Out-File $scriptPath
$modules = Install-ModuleFast @imfParams -Path $scriptPath -WhatIf
$modules = Install-ModuleFast @imfParams -Path $scriptPath -Plan
$modules.count | Should -Be 2
It 'Resolves GUID with version range' {
$scriptPath = Join-Path $testDrive 'testscript.ps1'
"#requires -Module @{ModuleName='PreReleaseTest';Guid='7c279caf-00bc-40ae-a1ed-184ad07be1b0';ModuleVersion='0.0.1';MaximumVersion='0.0.2'}" | Out-File $scriptPath
$actual = Install-ModuleFast @imfParams -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Path $scriptPath -PassThru
$actual.Name | Should -Be 'PrereleaseTest'
$actual.ModuleVersion | Should -Be '0.0.1'
It 'Errors if GUID spec is different than installed module' {
{ Install-ModuleFast @imfParams -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Specification "@{ModuleName='PreReleaseTest';Guid='3cb1a381-5d96-4b56-843e-dd97cf4c6545';ModuleVersion='0.0.1';MaximumVersion='0.0.2'}" -PassThru }
| Should -Throw '*Expected 3cb1a381-5d96-4b56-843e-dd97cf4c6545 but found 7c279caf-00bc-40ae-a1ed-184ad07be1b0*'

It 'Writes a CI File' {
Set-Location $testDrive
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,7 +664,7 @@ Describe 'Install-ModuleFast' -Tag 'E2E' {
Describe 'GitHub Packages' {
It 'Gets Specific Module' {
$credential = [PSCredential]::new('Pester', (Get-Secret -Name 'ReadOnlyPackagesGithubPAT'))
$actual = Install-ModuleFast @imfParams -Specification 'PrereleaseTest=0.0.1' -Source '' -Credential $credential -WhatIf
$actual = Install-ModuleFast @imfParams -Specification 'PrereleaseTest=0.0.1' -Source '' -Credential $credential -Plan
$actual.Name | Should -Be 'PrereleaseTest'
$actual.ModuleVersion -as 'NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion' | Should -Be '0.0.1'
Expand Down

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