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Conda uses the provided environment.yml file. You can ignore requirements.txt if you choose this method. Make sure you have Miniconda or Anaconda installed on your system. Once installed, open up your terminal (or Anaconda prompt if you're on Windows). Install the environment from the specified environment file:

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate B10-ift6758-conda-env

After you install, register the environment so jupyter can see it:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=B10-ift6758-conda-env

You should now be able to launch jupyter and see your conda environment:


If you make updates to your conda environment.yml, you can use the update command to update your existing environment rather than creating a new one:

conda env update --file environment.yml    

You can create a new environment file using the create command:

conda env export > environment.yml


The repo root contains the docker-compose.yaml, outlining the service architecture for the application.

The following steps must be followed to run the application:

  1. Set your experiment key as an environment variable
    1. On Linux/MacOS: export COMET_API_KEY=<API_KEY>. Additionally, execute source <bashfile> to ensure that the environment variables are sourced correctly.
    2. On Windows: set COMET_API_KEY=<API_KEY>
  2. Start the Docker daemon on your machine.
  3. Ensure that the terminal is in the repository's root directory (IFT6758B-Project-B10).
  4. Exeecute the command docker-compose up to launch up the services.
  5. Once the containers are spawned, access the UI at