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Ken Eucker edited this page Mar 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

Please read these guidelines for how to make contributions to the BikeTag Project's app or platform of software

These guidelines are intended to inspire you and give you a path towards the successful publishing of your contributions to the BikeTag Project and its endeavors. Any help in improving these guidelines for those that may come after those who read this would be greatly appreciated.

Software Development

Developers can get involved in the BikeTag project by forking any of the Open-Source BikeTag repositories and sending Pull Requests to origin repositories for updates. Look for the "help-wanted" or "good-first-issue" tags or head to the discussions of the project to see where you can contribute.

The BikeTag Project welcomes anyone and everyone to get involved and make this thing better and better. It is the expectation of the BikeTag Project and BikeTag community members that everyone, developers included, follow the BikeTag Code of Conduct which can be found in each of the BikeTag repositories.

Sofware contributions to this project are handled entirely through GitHub repositories and accounts. This is an open-source project through and through, and it follows an easy to integrate with git-flow. See those 10 easy steps and how to contribute software by going to the Developers wiki section!

Volunteer Coordination

We would welcome any help writing documentation for BikeTag Players and BikeTag Ambassadors alike. If anyone has any interest in helping with the BikeTag Ambassador volunteer program please reach out to [email protected].

Project Management

We would welcome any help writing new issues and helping manage any of the projects surrounding BikeTag Project endeavors. If anyone has any interest in helping with the project/product management side of things, please reach out to [email protected].

Graphic and User Experience Design

We would welcome any help in the area of graphic design, user experience design, or any other kind of design, really. If anyone has any interest in helping with the look and feel of BikeTag Project endeavors please reach out to [email protected].

Animation & Media

We would welcome any help in the area of animation, videography, or any other kind of multimedia production, really. If anyone has any interest in helping with the promotion of BikeTag Project endeavors please reach out to [email protected].


Other BikeTag Project links: - all about the BikeTag Project - the main BikeTag website for the BikeTag Game - the developer and testing website for upcoming BikeTag Game releases on BikeTag.Org

BikeTag-Website GitHub - v1.x of the BikeTag Platform IE: "BikeTag Game website"

BikeTag-App GitHub - v1.x/2.x of the BikeTag Platform IE: "BikeTag Game webserver"

BikeTag-Vue GitHub - (this project) - v2.x of the BikeTag Platform IE: "BikeTag Game App"

BikeTag-Games GitHub - v2.x of the BikeTag Game content schema and editor

BikeTagOrg GitHub - The BikeTag Project's set of open source repositories that it uses to run BikeTag Games on the Open Internet

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