Save and load things.. in files.. probably not your best choice.
- Save things
- Load things
- Encrypt/Decript your files
- Implement your own encryptors and serializers (probably better than mine)
Install FerthurSaver with Unity Package Manager
//Pretty Json save file, no encryption
Save.Initialize(path, new JsonUtilitySaveSerializer(prettyPrint: true), null);
//Binary save file with aes encryption
string IV = "Wow Very Crypt";
string Key = "This is so secure";
Save.Initialize(path, new BinarySaveSerializer(), new AesSaveEncryptor(IV, Key));
Save.AddFeature<int>("MyPatheticInt", 666);
Save.AddFeature<float>("MyAnnoyingFloat", 6,9);
Save.Set<string>("MyUninterestingString", "stringValue");
Feature<int> intFeature = Save.Get<int>("MyPatheticInt", defaultValue: -42);
Debug.Log(intFeature.Value); // -> "666"
await Save.WriteSaveAsync("SaveName");
await Save.ReadSaveAsync("SaveName");
Save.onWriteAsyncStart += Stuff();
Save.onWriteAsyncComplete += OtherStuff();
I am not responsible for any use of this module, find a better one.