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A custom MakeCode Extension for the Kitronik Smart Greenhouse Kit for BBC micro:bit


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Custom blocks for the Smart Greenhouse for BBC micro:bit (
The blocks in this extension are in five main groups: ZIP LEDs, Clock, Sensors, Inputs/Outputs and Data Logging.

Use as Extension

This repository can be added as an extension in MakeCode.


The ZIP LEDs section contains blocks for controlling the 3 onboard status LEDs and any others connected to the ZIP LED OUT port (such as the supplied ZIP Stick).
Note: Any block which does not have "show" in the name needs to be followed by a |||| block to make the changes visible.

The first block sets up the ZIP LEDs as a variable, enabling them to be controlled in the program. The default number is "8", as this covers the onboard LEDs and the external ZIP Stick.
The next two blocks create ranges for each of these, ||variables:statusLEDs|| and ||variables:zipStick||, so that they can be controlled separately.

let zipLEDs = kitronik_smart_greenhouse.createGreenhouseZIPDisplay(8)
let statusLEDs = zipLEDs.statusLedsRange()
let zipStick = zipLEDs.zipStickRange()

To set the colour of all the ZIP LEDs (or a whole range), use the ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.set color|| block. To view the changes there needs to be a |||| block after this block.

let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null

To set the colour of all the ZIP LEDs (or a whole range) and then show the change, use the || color|| block.

let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null

To set the colour of an individual LED, use the ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.set ZIP LED|| block. To view the changes there needs to be a |||| block after this block.

let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null
zipLEDs.setZipLedColor(1, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.colors(ZipLedColors.Green))

The |||| block makes visible the changes made since the last ||||.

let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null

|| rainbow|| displays a rainbow pattern across the LEDs and makes the changes visible straight away.

let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null
zipLEDs.showRainbow(1, 360)

To turn the LEDs off, use the ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.clear|| block. To view the changes there needs to be a |||| block after this block.

let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null

||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.rotate|| moves each LED colour setting along the chain, and then takes the end one back to the first. To view the changes there needs to be a |||| block after this block.

let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null

The brightness of the LEDs can be controlled with the ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.set brightness|| block. To view the changes there needs to be a |||| block after this block.

let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null

The ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.range|| block allows a variable to be created which represents a selection of the LEDs.

let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null
let range1 = zipLEDs.range(0, 6)

The final four blocks in the ZIP LEDs section are all different ways of choosing or setting a colour for the LEDs.

  • The first is a handy drop-down list of preset colours.
  • The second allows the individual Red, Green and Blue components of the colour to be manually set.
  • The third changes the Hue, moving round a colour wheel (0-360, red through green and blue and then back to red).
  • The fourth allows the wavelength of light to be set (470-625nm, blue to red).
let zipLEDs: kitronik_smart_greenhouse.greenhouseZIPLEDs = null
zipLEDs.setZipLedColor(0, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.colors(ZipLedColors.Purple))
zipLEDs.setZipLedColor(1, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.rgb(160, 240, 50))
zipLEDs.setZipLedColor(2, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.hueToRGB(157))
zipLEDs.setZipLedColor(3, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.wavelength(579))


These blocks are laid out in groups of linked functionality.

Set Time

These blocks are used to set the time on the Real Time Clock (RTC) chip. This can either be done with one block covering hours, minutes and seconds, or individually for each element.

kitronik_smart_greenhouse.setTime(11, 45, 30)

Set Date

These blocks are used to set the date on the RTC chip. This can either be done with one block covering day, month and year (DD/MM/YY), or individually for each element.

kitronik_smart_greenhouse.setDate(10, 9, 20)

Read Time

These blocks are used to read the current time as either a string of the complete time, or the individual elements as numbers.


Read Date

These blocks are used to read the current date as either a string of the complete date, or the individual elements as numbers.



The ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.set alarm|| block allows the user to input a time for an alarm to trigger either once, or repeating daily. The alarm can either be silenced by the user, or silenced automatically.

kitronik_smart_greenhouse.simpleAlarmSet(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.AlarmType.Single, 9, 30, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.AlarmSilence.autoSilence)

The ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.on alarm trigger|| bracket block and ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.alarm triggered|| block both allow actions to be carried out when the alarm goes off.

kitronik_smart_greenhouse.onAlarmTrigger(function () {
    music.startMelody(music.builtInMelody(Melodies.PowerUp), MelodyOptions.Once)
basic.forever(function () {
    if (kitronik_smart_greenhouse.simpleAlarmCheck()) {
        music.startMelody(music.builtInMelody(Melodies.PowerUp), MelodyOptions.Once)

The ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.turn off alarm|| block allows the alarm to be silenced by the user.

input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {


These blocks are used to take Pressure (Pa or mBar), Temperature (°C or °F) and Humidity (%) readings, which output as numbers.



These blocks are laid out in groups of linked functionality.

General Inputs/Outputs

These block are used to carry out reads and writes (both analogue and digital) for Pins 0, 1 and 2.

basic.showNumber(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.readIOPin(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.PinType.analog, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.IOPins.p1))
basic.showNumber(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.readIOPin(, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.IOPins.p0))
kitronik_smart_greenhouse.digitalWriteIOPin(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.IOPins.p2, 0)
kitronik_smart_greenhouse.analogWriteIOPin(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.IOPins.p1, 545)

High Power Outputs

This block is used to control the high power outputs linked to Pins 13 and 14. Their default mode is to just switch the output ON or OFF.

input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
    kitronik_smart_greenhouse.controlHighPowerPin(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.HighPowerPins.pin13, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.onOff(true))
    kitronik_smart_greenhouse.controlHighPowerPin(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.HighPowerPins.pin14, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.onOff(false))

They also have another mode, where the duty cycle (0-100%) of the output can be adjusted (for example, to provide speed control to a motor).

input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () {
    kitronik_smart_greenhouse.controlHighPowerPin(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.HighPowerPins.pin13, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.onOff(true), 25)
    kitronik_smart_greenhouse.controlHighPowerPin(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.HighPowerPins.pin14, kitronik_smart_greenhouse.onOff(true), 50)


This block is used to control a servo connected to the output on Pin 15, setting the angle between 0° and 180°.


Data Logging

The Data Logging blocks are used to organise and format measured information, and then transfer this information to a computer connected to the micro:bit via USB.
The blocks are laid out in groups of linked functionality.


This group of blocks is used to prepare the data formatting and transfer options.
As shown in the example below, the first block is used to set the data transfer to be via USB; then the separation between pieces of data can be selected from four different options:

  • A tab
  • A semicolon (";")
  • A comma (",")
  • A space
    The third block allows the user to choose whether or not to send the data entry line number, and the fourth block allows data entry column headings to be added (up to 10 in total). Note: Only the first 10 characters of a title will be transferred.
kitronik_smart_greenhouse.addTitle("Time", "Temper", "Light")


The ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.add data|| block is used add a data entry to the data store (there is a maximum of 100 data entries, each able to include 10 pieces of information). Note: The information must be in a string format. If it is a numerical measurement, use a ||text:convert to text|| block from the ||text:Text|| category.

input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
    kitronik_smart_greenhouse.addData(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.readTime(), convertToText(kitronik_smart_greenhouse.temperature(TemperatureUnitList.C)), convertToText(input.lightLevel()))

The ||kitronik_smart_greenhouse.clear all data|| block does exactly what it says: it removes all the previously stored data entries.

input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () {


Once data has been collected, it will need to be transferred to a connected computer.
All the data entries can be transmitted at once:

input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {

Or an individual data entry can be sent:

input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () {
<script src=""></script><script>makeCodeRender("{{ site.makecode.home_url }}", "{{ site.github.owner_name }}/{{ site.github.repository_name }}");</script>



Supported targets

  • for PXT/microbit


A custom MakeCode Extension for the Kitronik Smart Greenhouse Kit for BBC micro:bit







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Contributors 4

