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Workshop 6 TFs and Vision

Marc Hanheide edited this page Oct 5, 2022 · 10 revisions

Task 0: Update system

  • Update: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Install today's packages:
    sudo apt-get install \
        ros-noetic-opencv-apps \
        ros-noetic-rqt-image-view \
        ros-noetic-uol-cmp9767m-base \
        ros-noetic-find-object-2d \
        ros-noetic-video-stream-opencv \
        ros-noetic-topic-tools \
  • make sure to close all terminals and open them fresh after the update

Task 1: TF tree

  1. Display the tf tree of the Thorvald robot, explain what a frame is ( might help, as might this scientific paper)
  2. find a way to display the position of the robot's Kinect camera (frame thorvald_001/kinect2_rgb_optical_frame) in global (thorvald_001/odom) coordinates

Task 2: Fun with OpenCV and ROS

providing an image stream and view it

  • provide an image stream from live camera on topic /cam/image_raw: roslaunch video_stream_opencv camera.launch video_stream_provider:=/dev/video0 camera_name:=cam visualize:=true
  • provide an image stream from a video file on topic /cam/image_raw: roslaunch video_stream_opencv camera.launch video_stream_provider:=video.mp4 camera_name:=cam visualize:=true
  • relay a topic (useful to feed link up two pipelines), e.g. rosrun topic_tools relay /thorvald_001/kinect2_camera/hd/image_color_rect /cam/image_raw
  • view image streams: rqt_image_view
  • measure the frequency of an image topic: rostopic hz

Some coding practice in Python using cv_bridge

  1. create a catkin package my_opencv_test, which should depend on cv_bridge and rospy (remember how to do that?)
  2. be inspired by the implementation of and code some small piece of python code that subscribes to the simulated noetic of your Thorvald robot, and e.g. masks our any green stuff in the image
  3. (optional) also publish the result from the above operation

Task 3: Using more advanced CV

Some OpenCV nodes readily available (it's about not reinventing the wheel, right?)

  • Look at
  • install with sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-opencv-apps
  • e.g. run any of the following:
    • rosrun opencv_apps simple_flow image:=/cam/image_raw
    • rosrun opencv_apps find_contours image:=/cam/image_raw
    • always view output with rqt_image_view

Existing 2D Object Detector Tools based on local features

running Yolo (if you have time):

First, read about yolo, and even the original yolo paper

  1. clone into your workspace git clone --recursive
  2. install its depepndencies: rosdep update; rosdep install --from-paths . -i -y
  3. build it: catkin_make
  4. edit ./darknet_ros/darknet_ros/config/ros.yaml to use the correct image topic, e.g.:
        topic: /cam/image_raw
    	queue_size: 1
  5. source your workspace and run as roslaunch darknet_ros darknet_ros.launch
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