Welcome to my portfolio repository! This project showcases my skills, projects, and blogs.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Lagnajit09/lagnajitmoharana.com.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd lagnajitmoharana.com
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
To start the development server, run:
npm run dev
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
to view the portfolio.
To personalize the portfolio with your own details, replace the contents of the following files in the src/constants
Update the blog details with your own blog posts:
Keep your images in src/assets/blogs
// src/constants/blogs.js
export const blogs = [
name: "Your Blog Title",
description: "Short description of your blog post.",
link: "URL to your blog post",
image: "Image path",
// Add more blogs here
Update the skill details with your own skills:
Keep your images in src/assets/skills
// src/constants/skills.js
export const skillsList = [
name: "Skill Name",
icon: "Path to your icon",
// Add more skills here
Update the project details with your own projects:
// src/constants/projects.js
export const projects = [
id: "A unique id",
title: "Project Name",
description: "Short description of your project.",
link: "URL to your project",
github: "GitHub URL of your project",
tech: ["Array of technologies used"],
// Add more projects here
Update the experience details with your own experience:
// src/constants/projects.js
export const experiences = [
id: "An unique id",
designation: "Your designation of experience",
company: "Name of your company",
startDate: "Date of joining",
endDate: "Date of leaving",
logo: "Logo of the company",
description: "A brief description about your work."
// Add more projects here
If you have suggestions for improvements or find any issues, feel free to open a pull request or issue.