π A collection of lightweight auth utilities for Elixir.
Shin δΏ‘ means "trust", "faith", or "belief" in Japanese.
This package aims to provide lightweight utilities that can be used to ensure that primitives are well validated and trusted for usage by auth providers.
A UI playground with usage example per utility can be found at https://shin.howauth.com
The package can be installed by adding shin_auth
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:shin_auth, "~> 1.3.0"}
Based on the spec: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderMetadata
Loads, validates and parses the Identity Provider configuration based on their discovery endpoint metadata.
With valid configuration, returns parsed metadata:
iex(1)> ShinAuth.OIDC.load_provider_configuration("https://valid-url/.well-known/openid-configuration")
{:ok, %ShinAuth.OIDC.ProviderConfiguration.Metadata{}}
With invalid configuration, returns error:
iex(1)> ShinAuth.OIDC.load_provider_configuration("https://invalid-discovery/.well-known/openid-configuration")
{:error, %ShinAuth.OIDC.ProviderConfiguration.Error{}}
Here's a list of error per tags:
Tags | Reason |
malformed_discovery_endpoint or discovery_endpoint_unreachable |
The provided endpoint is either malformed or unreachable via HTTP request |
authorization_endpoint_unreachable |
authorization_code is unreachable via HTTP request |
token_endpoint_unreachable |
token_endpoint is unreachable via HTTP request |
jwks_uri_unreachable or malformed_jwks_uri_response |
jwks_uri is either unreachable via HTTP request or the response is malformed |
missing_issuer_attribute |
issuer attribute is missing from the provider's metadata |
Parsed a given SAML response to a struct with attributes and values:
iex(1)> ShinAuth.SAML.decode_saml_response(saml_response_xml)
{:ok, %ShinAuth.SAML.Response{
common: %ShinAuth.SAML.Response.Common{
id: "_123",
version: "2.0",
destination: "https://api.example.com/sso/saml/acs/123",
issuer: "https://example.com/1234/issuer/1234",
issue_instant: "2024-03-23T20:56:56.768Z"
status: %ShinAuth.SAML.Response.Status{
status: :success,
status_code: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success"
conditions: %ShinAuth.SAML.Response.Conditions{
not_before: "2024-03-23T20:56:56.768Z",
not_on_or_after: "2024-03-23T21:01:56.768Z"
attributes: [
name: "id",
value: "209bac63df9962e7ec458951607ae2e8ed00445a"
name: "email",
value: "[email protected]"
name: "firstName",
value: "Laura"
name: "lastName",
value: "Beatris"
%ShinAuth.SAML.Response.Attribute{name: "groups", value: ""}
Parsed a given SAML request to a struct with attributes and values:
iex(1)> ShinAuth.SAML.decode_saml_request(saml_request_xml)
{:ok, %ShinAuth.SAML.Request{
common: %ShinAuth.SAML.Request.Common{
id: "_123",
version: "2.0",
assertion_consumer_service_url: "https://auth.example.com/sso/saml/acs/123",
issuer: "https://example.com/123",
issue_instant: "2023-09-27T17:20:42.746Z"