Welcome to the Laurier Computing Society Engineering Team onboarding project! This is a simple, fun way to learn essential developer tools and workflows.
Add yourself to our team directory by creating a pull request. Along the way, you'll learn:
- Git basics (cloning, branching, committing)
- GitHub workflows (PRs, reviews, CI/CD)
- React & TypeScript fundamentals
- Modern web styling with Tailwind CSS
Install https://nodejs.org/en
Fork & Clone
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/EngOnboarding.git cd EngOnboarding npm install -g pnpm pnpm install
Create Your Card
# Create a new branch git checkout -b add-YOUR_NAME # Create your file Mac/Linux: cp src/team/example.ts src/team/YOUR_NAME.ts Windows: copy src\team\example.ts src\team\YOUR_NAME.ts
Make It Yours
- Edit your new file with your info
- Customize your card's style (optional)
- Test locally with
pnpm dev
git add . git commit -m "Add YOUR_NAME to team" git push -u origin add-YOUR_NAME
Then open a pull request!
Want to stand out? Customize your card's appearance:
cardStyle: {
background: "bg-purple-800", // Any Tailwind bg class
border: "border-purple-600", // Border style
text: "text-purple-100" // Text color
- Check out GitHub's Git Guide
- Review React's Documentation
- Ask in
#🔧 | eng
on discord