- BLUUUUUR (Optional Blurry UI for pretty much everything)
- Dark Mode
- Per app icon selection
- Icon Masking support
- Pixel Launcher Style settings
- Add optional circular app search bar
- Dynamic calendar icons (including support for icon packs)
- Add translations (to fix issues in your language you can contribute here)
- Show changelog on first launch
- Improved long press menu
- Fix support for certain previously broken icon packs (this includes support for Icon Pack Studio icon packs)
- Fix the text shadow issue in shortcuts popp
- Fix all Lag
- Fix App Drawer icon label color bug
- Fix scrollbar popup accent color
- Fix disappearing app labels in app drawer
- Fix inconsistent label color in app drawer
- Get rid of Firebase
The Lawnchair project is looking for talented designers to make the official Lawnchair icon!
As some of you more visually inclined noticed, the current icon for Lawnchair (as well as some of the promotional graphics) were kind of slapped together. The team behind the Lawnchair project consists of developers, not designers. That’s where you come in.
If you are a designer looking to get your work out into the world, we want to see your logo designs for Lawnchair. This is not a monetary opportunity, per se, but by having your work so prominently displayed by this project, no doubt potential employers or clients might find you through your work for Lawnchair. What you will receive is eternal fame and recognition as the designer of the official Lawnchair icon/graphics. :-)
Although a logo following Material Design strictly would be ideal, feel free to surprise us with something unique. Just… don’t make it ugly. One requirement we do have, however, is that the design needs to support Adaptive Icons for Android O.
After submitting your work to us and you become the lucky one to be picked, we may ask for a slight change or tweak to the design, so please keep that in mind. In addition to an icon, we’ll need a header image for places such as the app’s XDA store listing, the GitHub repo, and possibly even the website.
So send in your submissions! We’re excited to see what you come up with!
Submit your entry here