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Releases: LegNeato/asciinema-rs


07 Nov 19:38
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  • The OpenSSL version check error thrown when using a newer OpenSSL has been fixed (#41).


16 Apr 23:24
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  • The --stdin option is now supported when recording.

    Stdin recording allows for capturing of all characters typed in by the user
    in the currently recorded shell. This may be used by a player
    (e.g. asciinema-player) to display pressed keys. Because it's basically a
    (scoped to a single shell instance), it’s disabled by default,
    and has to be explicitly enabled via the --stdin option.


  • The OpenSSL certificate error thrown when uploading to
    using the pre-compiled Linux binary has been fixed (#40).


27 Mar 00:48
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  • The play command is now supported for local and remote files (#32).

    Note: support for interactive features such as pausing playback will be added
    in the future.

  • Playback speed can be adjusted via asciinema play --speed. A value of 2
    would make playback twice as fast as realtime. A value of 0.5 would make
    playback half as fast as realtime.

  • Playback idle time can be adjusted via asciinema play --idle-time-limit. A
    value of 2 would limit the playback idle time to a maximum of 2 seconds.

  • The cursor can be hidden during playback via asciinema play --hide-cursor.


  • When a local recording output file is specified, events are now written
    to the file in realtime (#17).

    Previously the events were queued and written to the
    output file at the end of the recording session.

    Note: Due to this change terminal-to-terminal streaming is now possible,
    as mentioned in this asciinema blog post.

    Locally via a Unix pipe:

    mkfifo /tmp/demo.pipe
    # viewing terminal
    asciinema play /tmp/demo.pipe
    # recording terminal
    asciinema rec /tmp/demo.pipe

    Over the network via netcat:

    # viewing terminal (hostname: node123)
    asciinema play <(nc -l localhost 9999)
    # recording terminal
    asciinema rec >(nc node123 9999)
  • When appending to a recording via asciinema rec --append,
    the header is no longer written.

    Previously the header was written regardless.

  • The terminal's width and height is correctly determined when recording during
    another recording.

    Previously the interior's recording failed to detect the terminal size and instead set the width and height to zero.


22 Mar 04:01
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  • Additional command aliases are now supported, allowing brevity or verbosity at your discretion (#12).

    • auth: aliased to authenticate and a
    • cat: aliased to concatenate and c
    • rec: aliased to record and r
    • upload: aliased to up and u
  • The --raw option is now supported when recording (#19). Thanks @rleungx! 🍻

  • The environment variable ASCIINEMA_REC is set to 1 in recorded process
    environment variables (#21).

    As mentioned in the official client's usage, this can be used by your shell's config file (.bashrc, .zshrc) to alter the prompt or play a sound when the shell is being recorded.

  • SHELL and TERM environment variables are captured by default when recording (#7).


  • All existing environment variables are now set in the recorded process as well.

    Previously the recorded process did not inherit anything from the parent and instead had an empty environment.


17 Mar 04:35
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The cat subcommand is now supported. Thanks @rleungx! 🎉


13 Mar 05:32
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Initial release.