What's Changed
- 🌐 Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in #813
- 💄 Properly remove edge-to-edge without black bars by @LeoColman in #817
- 🌐 Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in #819
- 📝 Update README.md to add a coverage badge by @LeoColman in #820
- ⚗️ First attempt on extracting Kover coverage badge by @LeoColman in #818
- ⬆ Update peaceiris/actions-gh-pages action to v4 by @renovate in #821
- ✅ Improve HitTimer Test Coverage by @LeoColman in #822
- ✅ Add tests to HitTimerRepository by @LeoColman in #823
Full Changelog: 3.35.1...3.35.2