Releases: LetsGetTechnical/gridiron-survivor
Releases · LetsGetTechnical/gridiron-survivor
What's Changed
- Temporary locked picking a team by @shashilo in #557
- Update package.json to 0.4.1 by @shashilo in #558
- Revert "Temporary locked picking a team" by @shashilo in #562
- fix: update next.config to use images.remotePatterns (#532) by @chris-nowicki in #561
- Fix: Password reset email link (#556) by @chris-nowicki in #560
- Richard/loading team input by @choir27 in #524
- Update package.json version to 0.4.2 by @shashilo in #564
- Release 0.4.2 by @shashilo in #565
Full Changelog: v0.4.1-alpha...v0.4.2-alpha
What's Changed
- Clue355/feat(#449): Use input spinner for submission buttons by @Clue355 in #453
- Alex/add redirect for team selections by @alexappleget in #519
- #536 feature/add password reset functionality by @chris-nowicki in #537
- #529 Chris/Show Users Previous Picks by @chris-nowicki in #530
- Alex/Add labels for home and away by @alexappleget in #521
- fix (#340) - contrast on sign-in/sign-ups by @jennifertieu in #528
- create and add feedback CTA by @ryandotfurrer in #546
- ryan/feat(ux: create input loading spinner) by @ryandotfurrer in #399
- #548 P0: Chris/fix previous picks by @chris-nowicki in #549
- Alex/Change UI for Password Input by @alexappleget in #552
- build: update app version to 0.4.0-alpha by @chris-nowicki in #553
- release: v0.4.0-alpha by @chris-nowicki in #554
Full Changelog: v0.3.1-alpha...v0.4.0-alpha
What's Changed
- UI/UX: re-implement league entries UI by @ryandotfurrer in #468
- #496 Chris/Limit-User-Entries by @chris-nowicki in #498
- added in code to fetch all leagues by @vmaineng in #491
- feat #315: Make a selection page updates by @jennifertieu in #447
- Fixing release bugs by @shashilo in #502
- Shashi/fixing release bugs by @shashilo in #503
- Shashi/fixing release bugs by @shashilo in #504
- Release v0.4.0-alpha by @chris-nowicki in #501
- FIX/gameWeekResults not being stored per week by league by @chris-nowicki in #510
- refine theme and colors by @ryandotfurrer in #505
- Release v0.3.1-alpha by @ryandotfurrer in #514
- Shashi/fix develop branch by @shashilo in #517
- Release v0.3.1-alpha by @ryandotfurrer in #516
Full Changelog: v0.3.0-alpha...v0.3.1-alpha
What's Changed
- Release: 0.2.2-alpha by @shashilo in #254
- Make login page responsive by @ryandotfurrer in #229
- #254 - ADD ENV VARIABLES by @chris-nowicki in #268
- created issue template for future ticket building for team by @jasonetorres in #259
- #251/#252 - Create ENUMS for Collections and Week Documents by @chris-nowicki in #269
- #270 - Remove Docker From Project by @chris-nowicki in #271
- Mai/fix cookie weeklyapi by @vmaineng in #247
- #222 add nav unit test by @jennifertieu in #261
- Refine button component unit test by @ryandotfurrer in #265
- Create LinkCustom component by @ryandotfurrer in #266
- Fix: updated github action with new vercel preview pacakage by @chris-nowicki in #294
- feat(#292): add alert functionality to access across application by @chris-nowicki in #296
- feat: create-league-page by @ryandotfurrer in #298
- feature: #301 - add SSR SDK for use with Users by @chris-nowicki in #302
- fix: #319 - removed formData from deleteUser function by @chris-nowicki in #320
- #216 ops: Error Boundary by @choir27 in #260
- feat #217: Adding new configs to allow more strict linting rules. by @shashilo in #312
- feat #207: Adding JS Docs and setting up configs to force documentation by @shashilo in #313
- feat #317: Adding 2024 NFL schedule by @shashilo in #322
- fixes(#267): wrap login and register page.tsx files inputs in forms by @vmaineng in #297
- fix #167: resolve height issue in WeeklyPickButton by @jennifertieu in #318
- feat #304: Adding Global Heading Component by @vmaineng in #324
- (fix #321) - Fix Bug For ErrorBoundary by @vmaineng in #326
- feat #331: adding required jsdoc settings for description and return description by @shashilo in #332
- Feat: #233 Add UX for Alerts by @alexappleget in #300
- feat: create league entries component by @ryandotfurrer in #327
- Chris/unit tests and dynamic url by @chris-nowicki in #280
- #338 Bug user login error by @chris-nowicki in #346
- #347 Remove playwright report and test results from git tracking by @chris-nowicki in #348
- 342 BUG: sidebar does not close by @Clue355 in #345
- #349 - remove useProcessGame hook by @chris-nowicki in #359
- Update ci.yml with PNPM version 9 by @shashilo in #367
- #360 Create Unit Test for utils.ts by @chris-nowicki in #361
- feat #352: updating the entry page logic by @shashilo in #365
- feat #374: adding ability to create new entry for a user by @shashilo in #375
- Mai/fix 351 bug league component missing hover s by @vmaineng in #368
- Mai/fix 350 bug leagues page stuck in loading st by @vmaineng in #362
- ui/ux: update week page by @ryandotfurrer in #370
- added in alert notifications by @alexappleget in #343
- BUG: scroll bar issue by @vazquezea96 in #386
- #355 - temp auto assign GIS league on register by @chris-nowicki in #404
- FIX(#330): Remove useCallback hook from auth context provider by @chris-nowicki in #405
- #377 FIX: Decouple tests into individual files by @chris-nowicki in #428
- #429 FIX: forwardRef errors in console by @chris-nowicki in #430
- #426 FEAT: Add admin routes by @chris-nowicki in #431
- fix(Week.tsx): correct import path for scheduleData try by @ryandotfurrer in #438
- Alex/Bug: Register redirects to Login page when it shouldn't be by @alexappleget in #424
- #439 FIX: eslint error rules being ignored on build by @chris-nowicki in #440
- style: update and run prettier by @ryandotfurrer in #334
- Fix - updated text color and outline for Input by @vmaineng in #444
- mai/fix-added darkmode changes for register by @vmaineng in #445
- fix(#411): added redirect to login/page.tsx to redirect users by @vazquezea96 in #437
- Alex/bug bash: add alert when pick is updated by @alexappleget in #415
- Mai/feat 310 add make pick button functionali by @vmaineng in #376
- Mai/Fix-413-added in Link to logo by @vmaineng in #446
- ryan/ux: create global spinner by @ryandotfurrer in #422
- FEE: Implement Entry Status Indicators on League Entries Page by @Clue355 in #432
- Mai/feat/448 fee use global spinner on pages by @vmaineng in #454
- Feat: Add notification when user Signs Out by @Clue355 in #385
- feat: create admin layout by @ryandotfurrer in #459
- Alex/Feat(#394): Design the table layout and pagination controls. by @alexappleget in #452
- chore: cleanup adminLayout commit by @ryandotfurrer in #467
- Release: v0.3.0-alpha by @chris-nowicki in #488
New Contributors
- @jennifertieu made their first contribution in #261
- @alexappleget made their first contribution in #300
- @vazquezea96 made their first contribution in #386
Full Changelog: v0.2.2-alpha...v0.3.0-alpha
What's Changed
- merge v0.1.0 into main by @chris-nowicki in #112
- Release v0.2.0 by @shashilo in #191
- V0.2.1 by @chris-nowicki in #248
- test: refine weekly picks button unit tests by @choir27 in #243
- fix: userResults data structure by @chris-nowicki in #244
- v0.2.2 by @chris-nowicki in #253
- Shashi/develop fix by @shashilo in #256
- Shashi/develop fix by @shashilo in #257
Full Changelog: v0.2.1-alpha...v0.2.2-alpha
What's Changed
- update title tag to GridIron Survivor by @jasonetorres in #194
- Feat #202: Add Auth Context Provider by @chris-nowicki in #211
- #201 installed zustand and created folder by @vmaineng in #208
- refactor: Adding TypeScript to API functions file by @shashilo in #231
- Add onboarding and developer docs to Storybook by @choir27 in #238
- 209 - create user object in data store by @chris-nowicki in #232
- refactor(#218): updated api endpoint to point to custom domain… by @chris-nowicki in #241
- #240 bug: fix storybook image docs rendering by @choir27 in #242
- feat #210: weekly picks api state by @vmaineng in #237
Full Changelog: v0.2.0-alpha...v0.2.1-alpha
What's Changed
- #74 Installed Playwright and add in to CI/CD pipeline by @vmaineng in #92
- PR: 127-install-sass-for-the-main-app by @ryandotfurrer in #128
- Revert "PR: 127-install-sass-for-the-main-app" by @ryandotfurrer in #131
- removed supabase assets. install appwrite by @jasonetorres in #125
- PR: add prettier to project by @ryandotfurrer in #129
- #115 Docs - Create Developer Guide by @choir27 in #126
- Feat es lint by @chris-nowicki in #123
- added in testMatch for Playwright to only run Playwright testing by @vmaineng in #149
- Create input component by @emestabillo in #151
- User DB collection w/ Appwrite Funcs by @choir27 in #152
- Modified and created Auth folders template by @vmaineng in #150
- Created custom button variants by @ryandotfurrer in #132
- Create logo component by @emestabillo in #154
- added in rough draft of mock test by @vmaineng in #138
- Create nav component by @ryandotfurrer in #158
- Create weekly pick button by @emestabillo in #161
- Weekly API Call by @choir27 in #157
- 136 registration by @Clue355 in #166
- Weekly picks POST api by @choir27 in #165
- Create Desktop UX for Login Page by @ryandotfurrer in #164
- Add shadcn Form component and rename directory/file accordingly by @ryandotfurrer in #171
- Registration page by @Clue355 in #173
- small change to register page by @Clue355 in #175
- Create new Layout for login page by @ryandotfurrer in #169
- added underline classname to hyperlinks by @vmaineng in #177
- Weekly picks ux by @emestabillo in #172
- Login page bug by @Clue355 in #186
- fix: #184 & #182 navbar not showing on initial weekly picks load by @chris-nowicki in #187
- #183 - Fixed Logout with Carlos by @vmaineng in #188
- small fix to weeklypicks page by @Clue355 in #189
- Release v0.2.0 by @shashilo in #190
- Release v0.2.0 by @shashilo in #191
New Contributors
- @ryandotfurrer made their first contribution in #128
- @jasonetorres made their first contribution in #125
- @shashilo made their first contribution in #190
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha...v0.2.0-alpha
What's Changed
- init project with supabase-starter template by @ramblingadam in #58
- Adam/boilerplate cleanup by @ramblingadam in #61
- feat: added docker workflow with github actions and docker-compose. I also added some documentation to the with instructions for setup by @Clue355 in #62
- Setup RTL script, packages, and YAML by @vmaineng in #64
- Storybook & shadcn setup by @emestabillo in #65
- Removed Home Component and Home Test by @vmaineng in #108
- #72 Storybook docs by @choir27 in #78
- Release v0.1.0 by @chris-nowicki in #111
- merge v0.1.0 into main by @chris-nowicki in #112
New Contributors
- @ramblingadam made their first contribution in #58
- @Clue355 made their first contribution in #62
- @vmaineng made their first contribution in #64
- @emestabillo made their first contribution in #65
- @choir27 made their first contribution in #78
- @chris-nowicki made their first contribution in #111