There's a lot of stuff that doesn't work because it's copied from the old project.You can clean it by yourself.
Requires more than JDK1.6
resources for the configuration file directory, database account password are the encrypted string, encryption rules see the src/
There is no need to configure the database,annotate the database in the src/ and comment out or delete the relevant code ( The default is commented out and can be started directly ) .
The tools directory is an automatic generation of beans and controlles tools and templates for self-written jfinal frameworks.You can change according to actual requirements.
You can start the project through test/, Direct main method starts.Startup parameters can be modified by themselves.See the jfinal source code or the official document for the parameter significance.
After start-up visit http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html to view sample to swagger.
The related path configuration for swagger is shown in web.xml.
The sample code for the swagger interface is shown in the SRC/swagger directory.
For other USES of the swagger annotation, see or other documents.
无需配置数据库 将src/org.sidao.jfinal.JfinalConfig.java中的数据库配置相关代码注释掉或删除即可(默认已注释掉,可直接启动)。
启动类 test/。 直接main方法启动。启动参数可自行修改。参数意义详见jfinal源码或官方文档。
启动后访问http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html 即可查看到swagger的示例。
swagger注释的其他用法,详见 或其他文档