The official implementation of LAAT (Language-Driven Anchors for Zero-Shot Adversarial Robustness, CVPR 2024)
This code is implemented in PyTorch, and we have tested the code under the following environment settings:
- python == 3.9.12
- torch == 1.12.1
- torchvision == 0.13.1
- autoattack == 0.1
To craft anchors with expansion algorithm, in anchors/
python --classes cifarfs_classes.txt --to cifarfs_anchors.npy
python cifarfs 64
Note that 64 means the first 64 classes are training classes, others are testing classes, which are not used to construct expansion mapping.
Here we give an exmaple.
The following command can train a zero-shot robust classidier on CIFAR-FS with the Conv4-512 backbone:
python \
--data_dir /path/to/dataset --exp_name /path/to/save \
--seed 3407 \
--n_support 0 \
--dataset CIFAR100FS \
--model Conv4-512 \
--use_linear --head cos-span \
--train_type TRADES-cos \
--suffix 1
Test FGSM attack:
python \
--data_dir /path/to/dataset --exp_name /path/to/save \
--seed 3407 \
--n_support 0 \
--dataset CIFAR100FS \
--model Conv4-512 \
--use_linear --head cos-span \
--train_type TRADES-cos \
--suffix 1 \
--eval --load_best \
--attack FGSM
Test AutoAttack:
python \
--data_dir /path/to/dataset --exp_name /path/to/save \
--seed 3407 \
--n_support 0 \
--dataset CIFAR100FS \
--model Conv4-512 \
--use_linear --head cos-span \
--train_type TRADES-cos \
--suffix 1 \
--eval --load_best \
--attack AA --n_test 100
To train & test 1-shot, change --n_support 0
to --n_support 1
author = {Li, Xiao and Zhang, Wei and Liu, Yining and Hu, Zhanhao and Zhang, Bo and Hu, Xiaolin},
title = {Language-Driven Anchors for Zero-Shot Adversarial Robustness},
booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2024}