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Hamza Token

Enviorment Set up

Intall foundry if haven't

Create a .env with PRIVATE_KEY =0x...


To run tests using Foundry, execute the following command:

forge test --fork-url sepolia -vvv

The forking ensures proper referencing of the Hats contract deployed on-chain.


Important Notes

  • Update ownerTwo in config.json to not be your address
  • Adjust any other params in config.json and they will update globally across deployments and tests
  • If making a new test inherit the DeploymentSetup.t.sol to make it work form deployment

Deploying Contracts

To deploy the contracts on the network, add the --broadcast flag to the script command:

forge script -vvv ./scripts/DeployHamzaVault.s.sol:DeployHamzaVault \
  --rpc-url sepolia \
  --sender 0x000 \

Running the Script Without Live Deployment

You can run the deployment script without actually deploying the contract using the following command:

forge script -vvv ./scripts/DeployHamzaVault.s.sol:DeployHamzaVault \
  --rpc-url sepolia \
  --sender 0x...

Deploying on Non-Sepolia Networks

  1. Run the DeployBaalSummoner.s.sol script on the chain of your choice:

    forge script -vvv ./scripts/DeployBaalSummoner.s.sol:DeployCustomBaalSummoner \
     --rpc-url <RPC-URL> \    
     --sender 0x... \
  2. Add the deployed address from DeployBaalSummoner to DeploymentSetup.t.sol by updating the BAAL_SUMMONER variable.

Configuration (config.json)

The config.json file contains key settings for deployment and testing. Below is an explanation of each parameter:

  • mode: Determines the deployment environment.

    • Test: Used for testing.
    • Deploy: Used for live deployments with logging enabled.
  • owners:

    • ownerTwo: The secondary owner address.
  • baal:

    • sharesName: Name of the governance share tokens.
    • sharesSymbol: Symbol for the governance shares.
    • pauseSharesOnInit: Whether to pause share transfers at the beginning.
    • pauseLootOnInit: Whether to pause loot (non-voting) token transfers initially.
    • safeSharesToMint: Initial governance shares allocated to the safe.
    • userLootAmount: Number of loot tokens deploying user receives.
    • vaultLootAmount: Number of loot tokens allocated to the vault.
    • votingPeriod: Duration (in seconds) for voting on proposals.
    • gracePeriod: Time (in seconds) after voting ends before execution.
    • proposalOffering: Required ETH amount for non-members to submit proposals.
    • sponsorThreshold: Minimum number of shares required to sponsor a proposal.
    • minRetentionPercent: Minimum percentage of shares required to prevent mass exits before execution.
    • quorumPercent: Minimum percentage of total shares required to vote "yes" for a proposal to pass.
  • governanceToken:

    • name: Name of the governance token.
    • symbol: Symbol for the governance token.
  • governanceVault:

    • vestingPeriod: Time (in days) for governance token vesting.
  • governor:

    • timelockDelay: Delay (in blocks or time) before execution of governance proposals.
  • systemSettings:

    • feeBPS: Fee basis points (0 means no fee).
  • escrow:

    • autoRelease: Whether the escrow automatically releases funds upon conditions being met.

The config.json file is used to ensure consistent deployment settings across tests and live deployments. Adjust these parameters before running any scripts.


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