An unassuming chess game. Includes a (self-written) Chess AI. All code is in ./Assets/Scripts
- for the AI Code, go to ./Assets/Scripts/Chess.cs -> AIModule
This is a chess app built in Unity Game Engine, designed for Android and PC builds. However, it is not your average chess game.
The game is populated by a (soon-to-be) large selection of "levels," which consist of board configurations that would certainly make your local chess master turn their head twice.
Would it be more appropriate to call it bad chess? Perhaps, and perhaps not. If one looks closely enough, one may be greeted by a familiar sight.
Future planned features include a settings menu, additional bad chess levels, a very special level, and more.
This project began its existence as the foundation for a game development project at my university. I must thank my former supervisor for letting me keep the code I had originally written.
To help get this project off the ground, I started with this video series by Youtube user Etredal, which may be viewed here: I have overhauled the architecture of the game to implement the Chess AI.
All art assets are from either the Unity Asset Store or from this page on These art assets are all licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0.