Create a Docker image to run Voxblox and the AprilTag detection on Ubuntu Xenial for x86_64 architecture with all required dependencies.
Update the git submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive # the first time this repo is cloned
git submodule update --recursive --remote # to simply update
Download Voxblox and its dependencies:
cd ~/path/to/docker-xenial-kinetic
docker build -t xenial-kinetic:v1.0 -f Dockerfile .
docker tag xenial-kinetic:v1.0 kinetic-amd
docker run -it --rm --privileged --net=host --name xenial-kinetic -v /home/$(whoami)/docker-xenial-kinetic/:/home/user/:rw -w /home/user/ kinetic-amd /bin/bash
The following table briefly explains the arguments, as presented here:
Argument | Description |
-it | Interactive mode, usually used when you wish to open a bash shell inside the docker. |
–rm | Automatically remove the container when it exits to prevent containers stacking up. |
–privileged | Gives the docker container access to /dev/ |
–net=host | Lets network interfaces appear the same inside and outside of the docker container. |
–name {name} | Give a name to the running instance so you can identify and attach to it by name. |
-v {outside}:{inside}:rw | Mounts a directory outside the container to a directory inside the container. |
-w {working_dir} | Set the working directory inside the container. |
Initialize the workspace and download Voxblox:
cd ./catkin_ws
catkin build
WARNING: Only perform these steps if a problem occurs during the compilation of the apriltag packages! Support for cmake 3.0.5+ was recently added, which satisfies the system's cmake version 3.5.1 of the Docker image.
Ubuntu Xenial is limited to cmake version 3.5.1. However older versions of apriltag and apriltag_ros need cmake >= 3.10. A new cmake version therefore needs to be installed from source. To do so, start the container and clone the cmake source somewhere in the mounted volume to get the last cmake version:
cd ./catkin_ws/
git clone
cd CMake
Build and install cmake according to their documentation from the container:
$ ./bootstrap && make && sudo make install
This will build and install the new cmake version and overwrite the system's default cmake in the container.