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Collection of real-world multiobjective benchmark problems


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Real World Benchmarks

This repository contains a collection of multi- and many-objective optimization problems with real-world applications for benchmarking multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). Please cite the following if using this code:

Zatarain Salazar, J., Hadka, D., Reed, P., Seada, H., & Deb, K. (2024). Diagnostic benchmarking of many-objective evolutionary algorithms for real-world problems. Engineering Optimization, 1–22.




These codes are intended to run on a Unix-like system (e.g., Ubuntu). In addition, please ensure the following dependencies are installed:

  1. Java 17+
  2. Maven
  3. GNU Make
  4. GNU C/C++ compilers (gcc and g++)

Setup with Eclipse

We recommend using a Java IDE, such as Eclipse or IntelliJ, when working with this project. First, clone this repository:

git clone

Next, we must compile the benchmark problems, as several are written in C / C++. Open a new terminal window and run the following from the RealWorldBenchmarks folder:

make -C native

Finally, locate and run (in src/main/java). In Eclipse, you would right-click on and select Run As > Java Application. If everything is setup correctly, you will see output showing the Pareto front.

From Command Line

Alternatively, we can also build and run the example from the command line using Maven. First, we can package and test this project with:

mvn package

This will verify all benchmark problems are built and running correctly. Then, run the example with:

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.moeaframework.benchmarks.Example"


The following example, from, demonstrates solving the General Aviation Aircraft (GAA) problem using the NSGA-II algorithm, displaying the decision variables, objectives, and constraint values comprising the Pareto approximation set:

GAA problem = new GAA();

NSGAII algorithm = new NSGAII(problem);;

NondominatedPopulation result = algorithm.getResult();

Available Benchmarks

The following benchmark problems are available:

Problem Problem Name Variables Objectives Constraints References
General Aviation Aircraft GAA 27 10 1 [1]-[4]
HBV Rainfall-Runoff Model Calibration HBV 14 4 0 [5]
Radar Waveform Optimization Radar 8 9 0 [6]
Car Side Impact CarSideImpact 7 3 10 [7]
Water Supply Portfolio Planning LRGV 8 5 4 [5], [8]
Lake Pollution Control Policy LakeProblem 100 4 1 [9]-[11]
Electric Motor Product Family ElectricMotor 80 20 60 [12]

In addition, this repository contains twelve bi-objective water distribution system (WDS) design problems [13] ranging from 8 to 567 decision variables:

Problem Problem Name Variables Objectives Constraints
Two-reservior Network (TRN) WDS(TRN) 8 2 1
Two-loop Network (TLN) WDS(TLN) 8 2 1
BakRyan Network (BAK) WDS(BAK) 9 2 1
New York Tunnel Network (NYT) WDS(NYT) 21 2 1
Blacksburg Network (BLA) WDS(BLA) 23 2 1
Hanoi Network (HAN) WDS(HAN) 34 2 1
GoYang Network (GOY) WDS(GOY) 30 2 1
Fossolo Network (FOS) WDS(FOS) 58 2 1
Pescara Network (PES) WDS(PES) 99 2 1
Modena Network (MOD) WDS(MOD) 317 2 1
Belerma Irrigation Network (BIN) WDS(BIN) 454 2 1
Exeter Network (EXN) WDS(EXN) 567 2 1

Additional information for specific problems can be found in the cited papers as well as the README files and other documentation for each problem.


Most of the software contained in this repository is copyright by the respective authors who developed each benchmark problem. Please cite these original works if using any of the benchmark problems.


  1. T. W. Simpson, W. Chen, J. K. Allen, and F. Mistree (1996). "Conceptual design of a family of products through the use of the robust concept exploration method." In 6th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ ISSMO Symposium on Multidiciplinary Analysis and Optimization, vol. 2, pp. 1535-1545. (Link)

  2. T. W. Simpson, B. S. D'Souza (2004). "Assessing variable levels of platform commonality within a product family using a multiobjective genetic algorithm." Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 119-130. (Link)

  3. R. Shah, P. M. Reed, and T. W. Simpson (2011). "Many-objective evolutionary optimization and visual analytics for product family design." Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimisation for Product Design and Manufacturing, Springer, London, pp. 137-159. (Link)

  4. D. Hadka, P. M. Reed, and T. W. Simpson (2012). "Diagnostic Assessment of the Borg MOEA on Many-Objective Product Family Design Problems." WCCI 2012 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 986-995. (Link)

  5. P.M. Reed, D. Hadka, J.D. Herman, J.R. Kasprzyk, J.B. Kollat (2013). "Evolutionary multiobjective optimization in water resources: The past, present, and future." Advances in Water Resources, 51:438-456. (Link)

  6. E. J. Hughes (2007). "Radar Waveform Optimisation as a Many-Objective Application Benchmark." Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4403:700-714. (Link)

  7. J. Jain and K. Deb. "An Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm Using Reference-Point-Based Nondominated Sorting Approach, Part II: Handling Constraints and Extending to an Adaptive Approach." IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(4):602-622, 2014. (Link)

  8. J. R. Kasprzyk, P. M. Reed, B. R. Kirsch, and G. W. Characklis (2012). "Many-Objective de Novo Water Supply Portfolio Planning Under Deep Uncertainty." Environmental Modelling & Software, 34:87-104. (Link)

  9. R. Singh, P. M. Reed, and K. Keller (2015). "Many-objective robust decision making for managing an ecosystem with a deeply uncertain threshold response", Ecology and Society v20, No.3, 12, doi:10.5751/ES-07687-200312. (Link)

  10. V. Ward, R. Singh, P. M. Reed, and K. Keller (2015). "Confronting Tipping Points: Can Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms Discover Pollution Control Tradeoffs Given Environmental Thresholds?", Environmental Modelling & Software, v73, 27-43. (Link)

  11. S. R. Carpenter, D. Ludwig, and W. A. Brock (1999). "Management of eutrophication for lakes subject to potentially irreversible change." Ecological Applications 9:751-771. (Link)

  12. T. W. Simpson, J. R. A. Maier, and F. Mistree (2001). "Product platform design: method and application." Res Eng Design, 13:2-22.

  13. Q. Wang, M. Guidolin, D. Savic, and Z. Kapelan (2015). "Two-Objective Design of Benchmark Problems of a Water Distribution System via MOEAs: Towards the Best-Known Approximation of the True Pareto Front." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(3), 04014060. (Link)