This is an easy to use command line tool to manage your Python applications.
This is a work in progress and not yet ready for production use.
DO NOT run the installer as root.
- Install applications from a repository
- Install applications from a file
- Uninstall applications
- List installed applications
- Initialize a new application project
- Build an application
- Add an dependency to an application (from PyPi)
- Add an dependency to an application (from a file)
- Remove a dependency from an application
- Manaully create pyapp.toml
- Manually create a virtual environment (uses pyapp.toml if available)
- Manually delete a virtual environment (uses pyapp.toml if available)
- Manually install dependencies (requires pyapp.toml)
- List dependencies in pyapp.toml
- List installed dependencies in the virtual environment.
- Set application type in pyapp.toml on init, either application (by default) or service with --service.
- Add an application to a repository
- Remove an application from a repository
- Use versioning for application installation
- Update an application
- A repository for applications
- Python 3.10 or higher with pip3 and venv installed (you can configure these tools in the configuration afterwards)
- wget
- unzip
The user home directory needs to have a directory named .local/bin which is part of the PATH.
If it doesn't exist, create it and add it to the PATH by running the following commands:
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
wget https://pyappm.nl/downloads/installer.py && python3 installer.py install
Usage: pyappm [options] [command]
pyappm init, --init [<name>] Initialize a new application project
pyappm build, --build, -b Build the application
pyappm install, --install, -i [<name>|<file.pap>] Install application from a repository or a local file
pyappm uninstall, --uninstall, -u <name> Uninstall application
pyappm list, --list, -l List installed applications
pyappm add, --add, -a <name> | <file.whl> Add a dependency to the application from PyPi or a .whl file
pyappm remove, --remove, -r <name> Remove a dependency from an application
pyappm help, --help, -h, -? Show this help message