- author: Marian Vasile, Nov 2013
Allows you to initialize a step-by-step wizard in your application, and provides bindings to manage step visibility and navigation.
Here's an short example for now (the includes are Symfony 2 twig tags):
<div class="container_12">
<div class="row">
<div class="grid_12">
<div class="wizard" ng-cloak>
<li><a href= " javascript:void(0); " ng-click= " wizard.goto('theme') " ng-class = " { active_step: wizard.steps.theme } " > Theme </a> : </li>
<li><a href= " javascript:void(0); " ng-click= " wizard.goto('demo') " ng-class = " { active_step: wizard.steps.demo } " > Demo </a> : </li>
<li><a href= " javascript:void(0); " ng-click= " wizard.goto('doc') " ng-class = " { active_step: wizard.steps.doc } " > Documentation </a> : </li>
<li><a href= " javascript:void(0); " ng-click= " wizard.goto('community') " ng-class = " { active_step: wizard.steps.community } " > Community </a> : </li>
<hr />
<div class="pager right">
<button ng-click="wizard.back()" ng-disabled="!wizard.hasPrev()">Prev</button>
<button ng-click="wizard.next()" ng-hide="!wizard.hasNext()">Next</button>
<button ng-click="finish()" ng-show="!wizard.hasNext()">Done</button>
{% include "MyBundle:Wizard:theme_selection.html.twig" %}
{% include "MyBundle:Wizard:demo.html.twig" %}
{% include "MyBundle:Wizard:doc.html.twig" %}
{% include "MyBundle:Wizard:community.html.twig" %}
<hr class="clear2" />
<div class="pager right">
<button ng-click="wizard.back()" ng-disabled="!wizard.hasPrev()">Prev</button>
<button ng-click="wizard.next()" ng-hide="!wizard.hasNext()">Next</button>
<button ng-click="finish()" ng-show="!wizard.hasNext()">Done</button>
<!-- theme_selection.html.twig -->
<div ng-show="wizard.steps.theme">
<p class="info">Please select a theme</p>
<!-- demo.html.twig -->
<div ng-show="wizard.steps.demo">
<p class="info">Please provide a demo URL</p>
<!-- doc.html.twig -->
<div ng-show="wizard.steps.doc">
<p class="info">Please provide a documentation URL</p>
<!-- community.html.twig -->
<div ng-show="wizard.steps.community">
<p class="info">Please provide a wiki (community) URL</p>