Use some open data, scrap some sites and parser for event dates and locations
- Write out the steps and methodology so that you can blog about the process. (Medium)
What this sets out to do:
Civic tech project - for my porfolio
Get event level data so that it can be shared in a flat file, mapped and put on a calendar.
- Location mapping - need to learn about standardized formatting Need to find and parse dates that maybe in various structures, need to standardize to Government of Canada date standard (citation).
- style guide design pattern for consultations pages:
- -->
- Date standard: (§ion=xml)
- Needs to get the dataset from every 24 hours
- Specifically the one that's every two years (
- Needs to put into a new flat file and pull out the the English title (title_en), French Title (title_fr), and links to the consultation profile pages (profile_page_en,profile_page_fr).
- Needs to then navigate to each profile pages (EN/FR) and look for a section called "Attend a meeting".
- There might be multiple phrases that should be specified here... look at a sample of pages to provide a few options. This is where standardization could be useful.
- Take the content below the "Attend a meeting" section and add it to the flat file.
- There should be content for an event location, date and time, and venue.
- Take this new file and save it somewhere?
- Take the location, date and time, and venue and see if it needs to be standardized?
- Take the locations and add them to a map.
- Google map - Should this be the WET mapping tool?
- Take the data and add it by date to a calendar.
- Google calendar or the WET calendar on a new page? Should this be a github page prototype that looks like