The main goal of this project is to implement a subset of the AMQP-0.9.1 protocol. At the same time, a client should provide the bulk of the protocol functions.
// Create connection and channel
let connection_uri = "amqp://user:password@localhost:5672/my_vhost";
let mut connection = ConnectionFactory::create(connection_uri).await?;
let channel = connection.create_channel().await?;
// Declare exchange, bind it to the queue
channel.declare_exchange( "my-exchange", ExchangeType::Direct, true, false, false,
false, None).await?;
let queue = channel.declare_queue("", false, false, false, false, None).await?;
channel.bind(&queue, "my-exchange", "my.key").await?;
// Subscribe to the queue messages
let mut consumer_rx = channel.consume(&queue).await?;
tokio::spawn(async move {
while let Some(message) = consumer_rx.recv().await {
println!("Message:\n\t{}", String::from_utf8(message.get_body().into()).unwrap());
println!("Properties:\n\t{:?}", message.get_properties());
let timestamp = SystemTime::now()
// Publish message
let mut properties = MessageProperties::new();
properties.timestamp = Some(timestamp);
properties.content_type = Some("text/plain".into());
channel.publish("my-exchange", "my.key", "Hello world!".into(), properties).await?;