This repository presents our english project as well the way to work on it!
The web app is a realtime two-multiplayer quizz game about english and american culture.
Rules are simple: prove that you're more intelligent that your challenger by answering a set of X questions. The winner will be the player the best score. Your score is represented by points. There are several ways to win and loose points:
- Correct answers will give you 1 point.
- A supplementary point will be given if you answer before your opponent !
- But be careful, you can loose 1 point if your answer is wrong. In this case, if the second player give a bad answer, He will not loose a point.
Prepare your strategy to be the winner !
This part describes interactions and different actions of user in order to use the web application.
- The user connects on the web app and selects create a game
- The web app will give a unique URL to this user. This URL is useful for the second player who wants to challenge the first one.
- When the second player gets the URL, he can join the first player.
- Each player has to validate that they are ready to start the game.
Each player must answer correctly a set of X questions.
- Results are displayed and the winner is revealed !
- Players have to possibility to play again !
In order to develop quickly the app, we've decided to code in node.JS for the backend. The frontend is created with VueJS. The project is composed of two parts: the backend part and the frontend.
# If you work on the frontend -> webpack server
npm run dev
# If you work on the backend
npm run build
npm run server
The server/ folder contains all files you need!
- db/ # all files for managing connections with postgreSQL
- models/ # Models of app
- views/ # Views of the app, only one file: index.html
- public/ # CSS and JS
- config.js # config for the server
- server.js # Init the server
- routes.js # all routes of the app
- sockets.js # Sockets if we use this...
We use Vue-CLI to create the boilerplate.
- build/ # all scripts to build the frontend app
- config/ # config
- src/ # core the the frontend app
- index.html # Entry point of the app
For the database, we use postgreSQL, simple and cool ! To simplify things, use root as the username !
# Creation of a user
sudo -i -u postgres
## postgreSQL CLI after this command
createuser -P --interactive root
Enter password for new role: root
Enter it again: root
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) y
createdb -O root -E UTF8 english
# Database ok configured !
# Connects to the database
psql -U root english
# Insert data
# Connects to the 'english' database
psql english
DELETE FROM questions;
COPY questions(question, answer_1, answer_2, answer_3, answer_4, correct, visual) FROM '/path/to/file/english-project/server/questions.csv' DELIMITER '|' CSV;
Sequelize handles communication with the database !
Yann Prono, @mcdostone
Yannick Philippe, @yannickPhilippe