DNS-level Stumble Upon but for TypeScript things
We at MiTS happen to own https://advancedtypescript.com and https://extremetypescript.com.
For a long while we didn't really know what to do with them so we just redirected to the MiTS YouTube until we could think of something better.
Then on 2024-02-15 @JoshuaKGoldberg had the great idea to change what it redirects to periodically to redirect it to some cool TypeScript project to give it visibility and show some support. Although he wasn't talking about his own book, Learning TypeScript, we loved the idea so much and we redirected it to his book within a few minutes of him making the suggestion.
Ideally in the future we have some kind of way to solicit ideas for these (and they're always pointing to different things). Maybe a YouTube poll or something? Donno.
Also, it would be great to know how to automate switching it. If you know how to do that let us know on twitter or by filing an issue on this repo.
- 2023-04-03 https://www.youtube.com/@MichiganTypeScript
- 2024-02-15 https://www.learningtypescript.com
- 2023-04-03 https://www.youtube.com/@MichiganTypeScript
- 2024-02-15 https://www.learningtypescript.com