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React Theme Switch Animation Hook

This package provides a hook for toggling dark mode in React applications with a smooth animation effect in TailwindCSS.

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📝 Notes

  • The hook is only available in the browser environment. So if you use NextJS App router or any other framework that uses Server Components, you should use this hook in a Client Component by adding the directive use client
  • Currently works only if the project is using TailwindCSS
  • Ensure your project has the necessary TailwindCSS configuration for dark mode

🚀 Features

  • Toggles dark mode with an animation effect.
  • Smooth animations for theme switching.
  • Uses React Hooks for state management.
  • Supports TypeScript for enhanced development experience.
  • Uses localStorage to persist the dark mode state across sessions.
  • Provides a React ref that can be attached to any component to trigger the mode change.

📦 Installation

Install the package using npm or YARN:

npm install react-theme-switch-animation


yarn add react-theme-switch-animation

📚 Usage

Here’s how to use the useModeAnimation hook in your React component:

'use client'

import React from 'react'
import { useModeAnimation } from 'react-theme-switch-animation'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { ref, toggleSwitchTheme, isDarkMode } = useModeAnimation()

  return (
    <button ref={ref} onClick={toggleSwitchTheme}>
      Toggle Dark Mode (Currently {isDarkMode ? 'Dark' : 'Light'} Mode)

export default MyComponent


useModeAnimation accepts an optional props object with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
duration number 750 Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
easing string "ease-in-out" CSS easing type for the animation.
pseudoElement string "::view-transition-new(root)" Pseudo-element used for the animation.
globalClassName string "dark" Class name to apply to the root element.
animationType ThemeAnimationType ThemeAnimationType.CIRCLE Type of animation effect (CIRCLE or BLUR_CIRCLE)
blurAmount number 2 Blur intensity for blur circle animation.
styleId string "theme-switch-style" ID for the style element (blur circle animation).
isDarkMode boolean false Initial dark mode state.
onDarkModeChange (isDark: boolean) => void undefined Callback function to handle dark mode change.

Animation Types

The hook supports two types of animations:

  • ThemeAnimationType.CIRCLE: A clean circle expansion animation (default)
  • ThemeAnimationType.BLUR_CIRCLE: A circle expansion with blur effect on the edges

Example usage with blur circle animation:

'use client'

import React from 'react'
import { ThemeAnimationType, useModeAnimation } from 'react-theme-switch-animation'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { ref, toggleSwitchTheme, isDarkMode } = useModeAnimation({
    animationType: ThemeAnimationType.BLUR_CIRCLE,
    blurAmount: 4, // Optional: adjust blur intensity
    duration: 1000, // Optional: adjust animation duration

  return (
    <button ref={ref} onClick={toggleSwitchTheme}>
      Toggle Dark Mode (Currently {isDarkMode ? 'Dark' : 'Light'} Mode)

export default MyComponent

Returns an object containing:

  • ref: React ref for attaching to the component that will trigger the dark mode toggle.
  • toggleSwitchTheme: Function to toggle dark mode.
  • isDarkMode: Current state of dark mode (true for dark, false for light).

📝 Requirements

  • React 16.8 or later (for Hooks support).
  • TypeScript for compiling the package during installation.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request with your suggested changes.

📜 License