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Gradle scripts to remove the clutter from mods gradle files


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This repository contains gradle scripts, and some data to remove the clutter from your mod's gradle files and make it easy to keep things updated.

How to use

First you need to create a gradle project and configure your build.gradle file like this:

buildscript {
    apply from: '', to: buildscript

apply from: ''

After that, you can import the project in your IDE. This will fail the first time, but you'll get a new file called Then you should configure this file. See section Properties.

Now you can run gradle setup which will create some new files for your mod.

Properties contains some properties that you should fill in. (Bold properties are required)

Property Description
modid The Mod Id
group The maven group for the mod
base_version The base version of the mod. This is not necessarily the full version. The full version is determined by the file found in the local maven repository defined by local_maven. It'll always be the base version plus a dot followed by a number that is one higher than the highest number of all files in the maven that start with this base version. If you don't set a local_maven, version is just set to base_version.
forge_version The forge version to use. For example 1.16.5-36.1.65. This is also used to determine the minecraft version to use.
fmlonly Whether to use fmlonly instead of *forge.
mappings The mappings to use. This is optional. If left out, the official mappings will be used. Format is channel_version.
local_maven The local maven repository to use. This is used by the publish task and to determine the full version. If left out, publishing won't be available.
mixin Whether this project uses mixins. Either true or false.
sources Whether to generate SRG named sources jar. Either true or false.
mcupdate When this property is set, a mcupdate target is loaded from here. With the task mcupdate you can then prepare your project for the next major release of minecraft. In most cases this can be set to your minecraft version to update to.
production_runs Whether runs should simulate a production environment.
license The name of the project's license.
license_url The url of the project's license.
changelog_repository A link to a specific commit in the source code. If this is set, the generated changelogs will link back to the commits. %H will expand to the commit hash.

Uploading to mod hosting sites

ModUtils supports upload to CurseForge and Modrinth. For each upload type, you can set the following properties: (Bold properties are required)

Property Description
project The project id of the mod.
release The release type. One of alpha, beta and release. Default is alpha.
versions The minecraft version-tags that should be added to a file (separated by comma). Default is the current minecraft version.
requirements A list of projects that are required dependencies (separated by comma)
optionals A list of projects that are optional dependencies (separated by comma)

To set a property, set <name>_<property> in where <name> is the website to upload to (curse or modrinth) and <property> is the property to set. If a property is not set in this format, the property upload_<property> is searched, so you can set properties for both CurseForge and Modrinth at the same time. However, you can't use upload_project.


Using a Secrets File

ModUtils will look for a file named (the location can be changed with the environment variable SECRET_PROPERTIES) and load those properties into a global object named secrets. The keys for mod uploading are expected as curse_auth or modrinth_auth in that secret object.

Using Environment Variables

If the corresponding keys are not found in the secrets file, ModUtils will check for the following environment variables:

  • CURSEFORGE_UPLOAD_TOKEN for CurseForge uploads.
  • MODRINTH_UPLOAD_TOKEN for Modrinth uploads.

Mod properties

The properties defined in will be placed in a global object named mod. Also some other properties will be added to this. All mod properties can be found below. (Non-bold properties may be absent). A property can be accessed with mod.<name> where <name> is the property name. To check, whether a property is present, use '<name>' in mod.

Property Type Description
modid String The mod id.
name String The mod/project name.
group String The mod/project group.
base_version String The mod's base version as set in
version String The mod/project version.
minecraft String The minecraft version in use.
forge String The forge version in use. (Without the minecraft version prefixed)
fml String The major part of the forge version.
fmlonly boolean Whether fmlonly mode is enabled.
mapping_channel String The mapping channel that is in use.
mapping_version String The mapping version that is in use.
java int The target java version for the current minecraft version.
resource int The resource pack version for the current minecraft version.
data int The datapack version for the current minecraft version. (If there is no datapack version, this is equal to the resource pack version.
local_maven String The local maven used for publishing and determining the full version.
mcupdate String The mcupdate target that is in use.
license String The mod's license.
license_url URL The mod's license url.
sources boolean Whether a source jar is generated.
production_runs boolean Whether production runs are enabled.
mixin boolean Whether mixin is enabled.
mixin_version String The target mixin version for the current minecraft version.
run <run> See below.
commit_date String The date of the latest git commit if available.
gitChangelog ()String Method that gets the changelog from git commits in the current CI build. Empty string if no changelog can be generated.
curse <upload> Upload information for CurseForge. See below.
modrinth <upload> Upload information for Modrinth. See below.

All non-standard properties in are also copied into the mod object.

Run properties allows to tweak some aspects of the run configurations in use.

Property Type Description
sourceSet (SourceSet)void Adds a secondary source set to the run configs.
existing (String)void Marks modid as existing during datagen.

Upload properties

mod.curse and mod.modrinth specify data for mod uploading:

Property Type Description
project String The project id on the mod hosting site.
release String The release type for publishing on the mod hosting site.
versions List<String> The game version tags to use.
requirements List<String> Required dependencies.
optionals List<String> Optional dependencies.

Experimental Features

The experimental branch contains things that have not yet been tested enough to go into the main branch or contain breaking changes. Use it at your own risk. To apply it, use:

buildscript {
    apply from: '', to: buildscript

apply from: ''

Any pull request that is not a bugfix for an older version must target the experimental branch.


Gradle scripts to remove the clutter from mods gradle files







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