logging:log.info.once("this log msg will be only logged once")
- Progress Bar:
progress_bar = log.pb(100)
- Sticky Bottom Progress Bar: Default behavior!
- Logging and Porgress Bar work hand-in-hand with no conflict: logs are printed before the progress bar
# logs
log = LogBar.shared() # <-- single global log (optional), shared everywhere
log.info("super log!")
log.info.once("Show only once")
log.info.once("Show only once") # <-- not logged
# progress bar
pb = log.pb(100) # <-- pass in any iterable or int
for _ in pb:
# advanced progress bar usage
# progress bar with fixed title
pb = log.pb(100).title("Super Bar:") # <-- set fixed title
for _ in pb:
# advanced progress bar usage
# progress bar with fixed title and dynamic sub_title
# dynamic title/sub_title requires manual calls to `draw()` show progress correctly in correct order
pb = log.pb(names_list).title("Processing Model").manual() # <-- switch to manual render mode: call `draw()` manually
for name in pb:
start = time.time()
log.info(f"{name} is about to be worked on...") # <-- logs and progress bar do not conflict
pb.subtitle(f"Processing Module: {name}").draw()
log.info(f"{name} completed: took {time.time()-start} secs")
- Multiple Active Progress Bars