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Use an ESP32 as a Hub between a NUKI Lock and your smarthome.


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The scope of NUKI Hub is to have an efficient way to integrate NUKI Lock in a local Home Automation platform.

The NUKI Hub software runs on any ESP32 module and acts as a bridge between a NUKI Lock and a Home Automation platform. It communicates with the Nuki Lock via Bluetooth (BLE) and then uses MQTT to integrate with other systems.

It exposes the lock state (and more) via MQTT, and allows to execute commands like locking and unlocking. Optionally, a NUKI Opener is also supported.

***NUKI Hub does not integrate with the NUKI mobile app, it can't register itself as a bridge in the official NUKI mobile app. ***

Supported devices:
NUKI Smart Lock 1.0
NUKI Smart Lock 2.0
NUKI Smart Lock 3.0
NUKI Smart Lock 3.0 Pro (read FAQ below)
NUKI Opener
NUKI Keypad 1.0
NUKI Keypad 2.0

As an alternative to Wifi, the following ESP32 modules with wired ethernet are supported (For Wifi any other ESP32 should work).
Olimex ESP32-POE
Olimex ESP32-POE-ISO
M5Stack Atom POE
M5Stack PoESP32 Unit

Note for users upgrading from 8.21 or lower: Please go to "MQTT and Network Configuration" and select "Wifi only" as the network device (unless you use other network hardware).


Flash the firmware to an ESP32. The easiest way to install is to use the web installer:
(Needs a web serial compatible browser like Chrome/Opera/Edge).

As an alternative, download a release:
Read the included readme.txt for installation instructions for either Espressif Flash Download Tools or esptool.


The firmware uses the Wifi Manager to configure the WiFi network. Power up the ESP32, a new Access Point should appear. Connect to this access point and in a browser navigate to "". Use the web interface configure your Wifi network.

After configuring the Wifi, the ESP should automatically connect to your network. Use the web interface to setup the MQTT broker; just navigate to the IP-Address assigned to the ESP32 via DHCP (often found in the web interface of the internet router).
To configure MQTT, enter the adress of your MQTT broker and eventually a username and a password if required. The firmware supports SSL encryption for MQTT, however most people and especially home users don't use this. In that case leave all fields about "MQTT SSL" blank.
If a PIN has been configured using the smartphone app, it's recommended to supply this PIN to NUKI Hub. Certain functionality is not available without configuring the PIN, like changing the config or keypad coded. To do so, navigate to "Credentials" in the web interface. This will only supply the PIN to NUK Hub, it will on no way reconfigure the PIN on the lock.


Just enable pairing mode on the NUKI lock (press button for a few seconds) and power on the ESP32. Pairing should be automatic. When pairing is successful, the web interface should show "Paired: Yes" (reload page in browser). MQTT nodes like lock state and battery level should now reflect the reported values from the lock.

Note: It is possible to run NUKI Hub alongside a NUKI Bridge. This is not recommended and can lead to either device missing updates. Enable "Register as app" before pairing to allow this. Otherwise the Bridge will be unregistered when pairing the NUKI Hub.


If you haven't ordered your NUKI product yet, you can support me by using my referrer code when placing your order:
This will also give you a 10% discount on your order.

This project is free to use for everyone. However if you feel like donating, you can buy me a coffee at


MQTT Interface


  • lock/action: Allows to execute lock actions. After receiving the action, the value is set to "ack". Possible actions: unlock, lock, unlatch, lockNgo, lockNgoUnlatch, fullLock, fobAction1, fobAction2, fobAction3
  • lock/state: Reports the current lock state as a string. Possible values are: uncalibrated, locked, unlocked, unlatched, unlockedLnga, unlatching, bootRun, motorBlocked
  • lock/trigger: The trigger of the last action: autoLock, automatic, button, manual, system
  • lock/completionStatus: Status of the last action as reported by NUKI lock (needs bluetooth connection): success, motorBlocked, canceled, tooRecent, busy, lowMotorVoltage, clutchFailure, motorPowerFailure, incompleteFailure, invalidCode, otherError, unknown
  • lock/authorizationId: If enabled in the web interface, this node returns the authorization id of the last lock action
  • lock/authorizationName: If enabled in the web interface, this node returns the authorization name of the last lock action
  • lock/commandResult: Result of the last action as reported by NUKI library: success, failed, timeOut, working, notPaired, error, undefined
  • lock/doorSensorState: State of the door sensor: unavailable, deactivated, doorClosed, doorOpened, doorStateUnknown, calibrating
  • query/lockstate: Set to 1 to trigger query lockstage. Auto-resets to 0.
  • query/config: Set to 1 to trigger query config. Auto-resets to 0.
  • query/keypad: Set to 1 to trigger query keypad. Auto-resets to 0.

  • battery/level: Battery level in percent
  • battery/critical: 1 if battery level is critical, otherwise 0
  • battery/charging: 1 if charging, otherwise 0
  • battery/voltage: Current Battery voltage (V)
  • battery/drain: The drain of the last lock action in Milliwattseconds (mWs)
  • battery/maxTurnCurrent: The highest current of the turn motor during the last lock action (A)

  • configuration/autoLock: enable or disable autoLock (0 = disabled; 1 = enabled). Maps to "Auto lock enabled" in the bluetooth API.
  • configuration/autoUnlock: enable or disable autoLock in general (0 = disabled; 1 = enabled). Maps to "Auto unlock disabled" in the bluetooth API.
  • configuration/buttonEnabled: enable or disable the button on the lock (0 = disabled; 1 = enabled)
  • configuration/ledBrightness: Set the brightness of the LED on the lock (0=min; 5=max)
  • configuration/ledEnabled: enable or disable the LED on the lock (0 = disabled; 1 = enabled)
  • configuration/singleLock: configures wether to single- or double-lock the door (1 = single; 2 = double)


  • lock/action: Allows to execute lock actions. After receiving the action, the value is set to "ack". Possible actions: activateRTO, deactivateRTO, electricStrikeActuation, activateCM, deactivateCM, fobAction1, fobAction2, fobAction3
  • lock/state: Reports the current lock state as a string. Possible values are: locked, RTOactive, ring, open, opening, uncalibrated
  • lock/trigger: The trigger of the last action: autoLock, automatic, button, manual, system
  • lock/completionStatus: Status of the last action as reported by NUKI lock (needs bluetooth connection): success, motorBlocked, canceled, tooRecent, busy, lowMotorVoltage, clutchFailure, motorPowerFailure, incompleteFailure, invalidCode, otherError, unknown
  • lock/authorizationId: If enabled in the web interface, this node returns the authorization id of the last lock action
  • lock/authorizationName: If enabled in the web interface, this node returns the authorization name of the last lock action
  • lock/commandResult: Result of the last action as reported by NUKI library: success, failed, timeOut, working, notPaired, error, undefined
  • lock/doorSensorState: State of the door sensor: unavailable, deactivated, doorClosed, doorOpened, doorStateUnknown, calibrating
  • query/lockstate: Set to 1 to trigger query lockstage. Auto-resets to 0.
  • query/config: Set to 1 to trigger query config. Auto-resets to 0.
  • query/keypad: Set to 1 to trigger query keypad. Auto-resets to 0.

  • battery/voltage: Reports the current battery voltage in Volts.
  • battery/critical: 1 if battery level is critical, otherwise 0

  • configuration/buttonEnabled: enable or disable the button on the lock (0 = disabled; 1 = enabled)
  • configuration/ledEnabled: enable or disable the LED on the lock (0 = disabled; 1 = enabled)
  • configuration/soundLevel: configures the volume of sounds the opener plays back (0 = min; 255 = max)


  • presence/devices: List of detected bluetooth devices as CSV. Can be used for presence detection

Over-the-air Update (OTA)

After initially flashing the firmware via serial connection, further updates can be deployed via OTA update from a Web Browser. In the configuration portal, scroll down to "Firmware update" and click "Open". Then Click "Browse" and select the new "nuki_hub.bin" file and select "Upload file". After about a minute the new firmware should be installed.

MQTT Encryption (optional; WiFi only)

The communication via MQTT can be SSL encrypted. To enable SSL encryption, supply the necessary information in the MQTT Configuration page. The following configurations are supported:

CA, CERT and KEY are empty -> No encryption
CA is filled but CERT and KEY are empty -> Encrypted MQTT
CA, CERT and KEY are filled -> Encrypted MQTT with client vaildation

Home Assistant Discovery (optional)

Home Assistant can be setup manually using the MQTT Lock integration.

For a simpler integration, this software supports MQTT Discovery. To enable autodiscovery, supply the discovery topic that is configured in your Home Assistant instance (typically "homeassistant") in the MQTT Configuration page. Once enabled, Smartlock and/or Opener should automatically appear on Home Assistant.

The following mapping between Home Assistant services and Nuki commands is setup when enabling autodiscovery:

Smartlock Opener
lock.lock Lock Disable Ring To Open
lock.unlock Unlock Enable Ring To Open Unlatch Electric Strike Actuation

NOTE: MQTT Discovery uses retained MQTT messages to store devices configurations. In order to avoid orphan configurations on your broker please disable autodiscovery first if you no longer want to use this SW. Retained messages are automatically cleared when unpairing and when changing/disabling autodiscovery topic in MQTT Configuration page.

Keypad control (optional)

If a keypad is connected to the lock, keypad codes can be added, updated and removed. This has to enabled first in the configuration portal. Check "Enabled keypad control via MQTT" and save the configuration. After enabling keypad control, information about codes is published under "keypad/code_x", x starting from 0 up the number of configured codes.
For security reasons, the code itself is not published. To modify keypad codes, a command structure is setup under keypad/command:

  • keypad/command/id: The id of an existing code, found under keypad_code_x
  • keypad/command/name: Display name of the code
  • keypad/command/code: The actual 6-digit keypad code
  • keypad/command/enabled: Set to 1 to enable the code, 0 to disable
  • keypad/command/action: The action to execute. Possible values are add, delete and update

To modify keypad codes, the first four parameter nodes have to be set depending on the command:

  • To add a code, set name, code, enabled **
  • To delete a code, set id
  • To update a code, set id, name, code, enabled

** Note: Rules for codes are:

  • The code must be a 6 digit number
  • The code can't contain 0
  • The code can't start with 12

After setting the necessary parameters, write the action to be executed to the command node. For example, to add a code:

  • write "John Doe" to name
  • write 111222 to code
  • write 1 to enabled
  • write "add" to action

GPIO lock control (optional)

The lock can be controlled via GPIO. To enable GPIO control, go the the "GPIO Configuration" page where each GPIO can be configured for a specific role:

  • Disabled: The GPIO is disabled
  • Input: Lock: When connect to Ground, a lock command is sent to the lock
  • Input: Unlock: When connect to Ground, an unlock command is sent to the lock
  • Input: Unlatch: When connect to Ground, an unlatch command is sent to the lock
  • Input: Electric strike actuation: When connect to Ground, an electric strike actuation command is sent to the opener (open door for configured amount of time)
  • Input: Activate RTO: When connect to Ground, Ring-to-open is activated (opener)
  • Input: Activate CM: When connect to Ground, Continuous mode is activated (opener)
  • Input: Deactivate RTO/CM: Disable RTO or CM, depending on which is active
  • Output: High when locked: Outputs a high signal when the door is locked
  • Output: High when unlocked: Outputs a high signal when the door is unlocked
  • Output: High when motor blocked: Outputs a high signal when the motor is blocked (lock)
  • Output: High when RTO active: Outputs a high signal when ring-to-open is active (opener)
  • Output: High when CM active: Outputs a high signal when continuous mode is active (opener)
  • Output: High when RTO or CM active: Outputs a high signal when either ring-to-open or continuous mode is active (opener)
  • General input (pull-down): The pin is configured in pull-down configuration and its state is published to the "gpio/pin_x/state" topic
  • General input (pull-up): The pin is configured in pull-up configuration and its state is published to the "gpio/pin_x/state" topic
  • Genral output: The pin is set to high or low depending on the "gpio/pin_x/state" topic

Note: The old setting "Enable control via GPIO" is removed. If you had enabled this setting before upgrading to 8.22, the PINs are automatically configured to be compatible with the previously hard-coded PINs.

Connecting via LAN (Optional)

If you prefer to connect to the MQTT Broker via LAN instead of WiFi, you either use one of the supported ESP32 modules (see about section above), or wire a seperate Wiznet W5x00 Module (W5100, W5200, W5500 are supported). To use a supported module, flash the firmware, connect via Wifi and select the correct network hardware in the MQTT and network settings section.

To wire an external W5x00 module to the ESP, use this wiring scheme:

  • Connect W5x00 to ESP32 SPI0:
    W5x00 SCK to GPIO18
    W5x00 MISO to GPIOGPIO19
    W5x00 MOSI to GPIO23
    W5x00 CS/SS to GPIO5
  • Optionally connect:
    W5x00 reset to GPIO33

Now connect via Wifi and change the network hardware to "Generic W5500". If the W5500 hwardware isn't detected, Wifi is used as a fallback.
Note: Encrypted MQTT is only available for Wifi and LAN8720 modules, W5x00 modules don't support encryption (that leaves Olimex, WT32-ETH01 and M5Stack PoESP32 Unit if encryption is desired). If encryption is needed, Olimex is the easiest option, since it has USB for flashing onboard.


Random WiFi disconnects

Unfortunately the ESP32 has problems with some Access Points and reconnecting fails. As a workaround you can navigate to "MQTT and Network Configuration" and enable "Restart on disconnect". This will reboot the ESP as soon as it gets disconnected from WiFi. Also, this reduces the config portal timeout to three minutes to prevent the ESP being stuck in config mode in case an access point is offline temporarily.
If this still doesn't fix the disconnects and the ESP becomes unreachable, the "Restart timer" option can be used as a last resort. It will restart the ESP after a configured amount of time.

Pairing with the Lock (or Opener) doesn't work

First, make sure the firmware version of the NUKI device is up-to-date, older versions have issues pairing
Next, try erasing the flash and then (re-)flash the firmware. To erase the flash, use the espressif download tool and click the "Erase" button. Afterwards flash the firmware as described in the readme within the 7z file.

Also, there are reports that ESP32 "DEVKIT1" module don't work and pairing is not possible. The reason is unknown, but if you use such a module, try a different one.

Reported as working are:
M5Stack ATOM Lite

For more information check the related issue:

Also, check that pairing is allowed. In the smartphone app, go to Settings --> Features & Configuration --> Button & LED and make sure "Bluetooh Pairing" is enabled.

In Home Assistant, the lock is shown as unavailable

Make sure you are using at least version 2023.8.0 of home assistant. The HA developers have changes to the MQTT auto discovery which break support for older version, and NUKI Hub has adopted these changes. That unfortunately means that older versions of HA are not supported anymore.


NUKI Hub doesn't work when the Wifi on my NUKI Smartlock Pro 3.0 is turned on.

This is by design and according to NUKI part of the specification of the Pro lock: You can user either the built-in Wifi or a Bridge (whic NUKI Hub registers as). Using both at the same time doesn't work.

Certain functionality doesn't work (e. g. changing configuration, setting keypad codes)

Some functionality is restricted by the lock (or opener) firmware and is only accessible when the PIN is provided. When setting up the lock (or opener), you have to set a PIN in the smartphone. Navigate to the credentials page, enter this PIN and click save.

Authorization data isn't published

See previous point, this needs the correct PIN to be configured.

Using home assistant, it's only possible to lock or unlock the door, but not to unlatch it

Unlatching can be triggered using the service.

When controlling two locks (or openers) connected to two ESPs, both devices react to the same command. When using Home Asistant, the same status is display for both locks.

When using multiple NUKI devices, different paths for each device have to be configured. Navigate to "NUKI Configuration" and change the "MQTT NUKI Smartlock Path" or "MQTT NUKI Opener Path" under "Basic NUKI Configuration" for at least one of the devices.

The battery is draining quickly.

This often is a result of enabling "Register as app" without using a NUKI Bridge together with NUKI Hub. Doing so will cause NUKI Hub to constantly query the lock, and thus draining the battery. To fix this, unpair NUKI Hub, disable "Register as app", and re-pair.
Never enable "Register as app" unless you intend to use a NUKI Bridge in addition to NUKI Hub!

Development VM

Since setting up the toolchain can be difficult, I've uploaded a virtual machine (vmware image) that is setup to compile NUKI Hub:

User and password for the VM are both "nuki" and "nuki". The source is checked out at ~/projects/nuki_hub, the cmake build directory is build. So to compile, run the following commands:

cd projects/nuki_hub/build

To upload the image via serial port, run "ninja upload-nuki_hub". The serial device is defined in ~/.bashrc (Environment variable SERIAL_PORT), which you'll eventually have to adopt to your device.


This is a third party software for NUKI smart door locks. This project or any of it's authors aren't associated with Nuki Home Solutions GmbH. Please refer for official products and offical support to their website:

For further license details, check the included LICENSE file.


Use an ESP32 as a Hub between a NUKI Lock and your smarthome.







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