A C++ library to read and write SARC files.
First of all, include the SARC.h
header file. To load a SARC, you can pass a path to a file or a vector of unsigned chars, which contains the file data directly. This is especially usefull when loading a with ZStandard compressed BYML.
SarcFile SARC("DgnObj_Small_CandlePoleC_04.pack");
To write the SARC, you use WriteToFile
, which takes a path as parameter. You can use ToBinary
, to write the SARC into a vector of unsigned chars. This is usefull when working with compression.
SarcFile SARC("DgnObj_Small_CandlePoleC_04.pack");
std::vector<unsigned char> Bytes = SARC.ToBinary();
To read a file inside the SARC, use GetEntry
. This function takes a path as a string to the file. It returns a SarcFile::Entry object. The struct contains the file name as a string and the file contents as a vector of unsigned chars. To write the file, call the function WriteToFile
SarcFile SARC("DgnObj_Small_CandlePoleC_04.pack");
std::string FileName = SARC.GetEntry("Phive/ShapeParam/DgnObj_Small_CandlePoleC_04__Physical.phive__ShapeParam.bgyml").Name;
std::vector<unsigned char> Bytes = SARC.GetEntry("Phive/ShapeParam/DgnObj_Small_CandlePoleC_04__Physical.phive__ShapeParam.bgyml").Bytes;
To modify an entry, use the following methods:
SarcFile SARC("DgnObj_Small_CandlePoleC_04.pack");
SARC.GetEntry("Phive/ShapeParam/DgnObj_Small_CandlePoleC_04__Physical.phive__ShapeParam.bgyml").Bytes = NewBytes;
SARC.GetEntry("Phive/ShapeParam/DgnObj_Small_CandlePoleC_04__Physical.phive__ShapeParam.bgyml").Name = "Phive/ShapeParam/Test.phive__ShapeParam.bgyml");
To create a new file, create a new SarcFile::Entry object, set the name and bytes and it to the archive.
SarcFile SARC("DgnObj_Small_CandlePoleC_04.pack");
SarcFile::Entry File;
File.Name = "Path/to/file/Test.byml";
File.Bytes = Bytes;