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Merge pull request #116 from rasools/OMICSINT_H24 #7

Merge pull request #116 from rasools/OMICSINT_H24

Merge pull request #116 from rasools/OMICSINT_H24 #7

# name: Build and Push Docker Image for Session Gems
# on:
# push:
# paths:
# - 'session_gems/**'
# branches:
# jobs:
# build:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# if: github.repository == 'NBISweden/workshop_omics_integration'
# steps:
# # Checkout the repository
# - name: Checkout repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# # Set up Docker Buildx for multi-platform builds
# - name: Set up Docker Buildx
# uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
# # Log in to Docker Hub using the secrets
# - name: Log in to Docker Hub
# uses: docker/login-action@v2
# with:
# username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}
# password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# # Build and push the Docker image for both amd64 and arm64
# - name: Build and Push Docker Image for Session Gems
# uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
# with:
# context: ./session_gems
# file: session_gems/Dockerfile
# platforms: linux/amd64
# push: true
# no-cache: true
# tags:
# - name: Inspect Docker Image
# run: docker buildx imagetools inspect