Releases: NationalSecurityAgency/emissary
Releases · NationalSecurityAgency/emissary
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🚨
- errorprone :: ConstantField for PickUpPlace by @dev-mlb in #985
- errorprone :: ConstantField for FilePickUpClient by @dev-mlb in #984
New Features ✨
Improvements 🛠
Automation and Testing 🚦
- add new improvement label to release notes by @jpdahlke in #973
- fix transient DropOffUtilTest compare failure by @jpdahlke in #989
Other Changes ⚙️
- errorprone :: UnusedVariable by @dev-mlb in #970
- errorprone: misc fixes by @jpdahlke in #971
- errorprone: JavaUtilDate in DropOffUtil by @jpdahlke in #974
- errorprone: LockNotBeforeTry by @jpdahlke in #975
- errorprone: MissingCasesInEnumSwitch by @jpdahlke in #976
- errorprone :: MethodCanBeStatic by @dev-mlb in #977
- errorprone :: UnusedMethod by @dev-mlb in #978
- errorprone :: MixedMutabilityReturnType by @dev-mlb in #981
- errorprone :: ConstantField for PickupQueue by @dev-mlb in #982
- errorprone :: ByteBufferBackingArray ignore in FillChannelFactory by @dev-mlb in #986
- errorprone :: AvoidObjectArrays ignore deprecated by @dev-mlb in #987
- errorprone :: ConstantField for UnixCommandPlace by @dev-mlb in #983
Full Changelog: 8.14.0...8.15.0
What's Changed
Improvements 🛠
- update kff hash exception handling and SeekableByteChannel interactions by @jpdahlke in #930
- Shortening the logged message if an exception occurs during Executrix execution by @drivenflywheel in #933
- add ExtractedRecord object that cannot have extracted records by @dev-mlb in #922
Security 🔒
- Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.13.0 to 2.15.1 by @dependabot in #964
Build, Package, Deploy 📦
- correct param for by @cfkoehler in #961
- errorprone :: turn off InconsistentOverloads warnings by @dev-mlb in #960
- Dockerfile and docker compose updates by @DonResnik in #965
Automation and Testing 🚦
- run maven sortpom before committing release version bump by @cfkoehler in #957
- errorprone :: StaticAssignmentOfThrowable by @dev-mlb in #969
Other Changes ⚙️
- errorprone :: ignore warnings in Executrix and UnixCmdPlace by @dev-mlb in #962
- errorprone :: SystemOut by @dev-mlb in #963
- errorprone :: Interruption by @dev-mlb in #968
- errorprone :: CheckedExceptionNotThrown by @dev-mlb in #967
Full Changelog: 8.13.0...8.14.0
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🚨
- Improved ExtractionTest Validation of Attachment and Extracted Children Expected vs Found Count by @sambish5 in #188
Security 🔒
- dependencies: upgrade janino dependency to 3.1.12 by @cfkoehler in #941
Build, Package, Deploy 📦
- Bump plugin.versions-maven.version from 2.14.2 to 2.17.1 by @cfkoehler in #956
Automation and Testing 🚦
- fix github-actions author exclusion by @jpdahlke in #955
- errorprone :: LoopOverCharArray by @dev-mlb in #945
Other Changes ⚙️
- errorprone :: FlexibleDateTimeParser by @dev-mlb in #931
- errorprone :: StringCaseLocaleUsage by @dev-mlb in #932
- errorprone :: NonFinalStaticFields in SizeUtil by @dev-mlb in #935
- errorprone :: ThrowsUncheckedException by @dev-mlb in #938
- errorprone: InconsistentOverloads - deprecate and ignore by @jpdahlke in #948
- errorprone :: InconsistentOverloads by @dev-mlb in #958
Full Changelog: 8.12.0...8.13.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐞
- Fixing missed negation in KffDataObjectHandler.previouslyComputedMd5HasChanged by @drivenflywheel in #926
Improvements 🛠
- use DataObjectFactory for ibdo creation by @dev-mlb in #921
- Made AbstractFilter Denylist settings configurable by @rupert-griffin in #925
Build, Package, Deploy 📦
- update 'dep.' names and use 'plugin.' prefix for plugins in pom by @jpdahlke in #923
- update formatter to use 11 compliance by @jpdahlke in #927
- add global sonar exclusion for rule s6212 by @cfkoehler in #949
Automation and Testing 🚦
- errorprone :: VersionPlaceTest FieldMissingNullable by @sambish5 in #924
- ci :: updating docker compose to allow for testing by @dev-mlb in #823
- errorprone :: ignore FTest warnings by @dev-mlb in #934
- exclude github-actions[bot] changes from release notes by @cfkoehler in #947
- change release note categories by @jpdahlke in #951
- add icons to release notes by @cfkoehler in #953
Other Changes ⚙️
- errorprone :: fix sysout ServiceProviderPlaceGetTLDTest by @dev-mlb in #929
- errorprone :: ignore sysout PeersCommandIT by @dev-mlb in #928
- errorprone :: CheckedExceptionNotThrown in JournaledCoalescer by @dev-mlb in #940
- errorprone/sonar :: MagicNumber by @dev-mlb in #946
- errorprone :: SystemOut in JniRepositoryPlace by @dev-mlb in #943
- errorprone :: CheckedExceptionNotThrown in FillChannelFactory by @dev-mlb in #939
- errorprone :: FutureReturnValueIgnored by @dev-mlb in #944
- errorprone :: CheckedExceptionNotThrown in JournalReader by @dev-mlb in #936
- errorprone :: CheckedExceptionNotThrown in ImmutableChannelFactory by @dev-mlb in #937
Full Changelog: 8.11.0...8.12.0
What's Changed
- Make AbstractFilter Denylist configurable @rupert-griffin in #925
- Fixing missed negation in KffDataObjectHandler.previouslyComputedMd5HashChanged @drivenflywheel in #926
What's Changed
- Deny view outputs based on wildcard suffix by @rupert-griffin in #830
- No longer preserving MD5_ORIGINAL if re-hashing hasn't changed the value by @drivenflywheel in #899
Automation and Testing
- sync commit message and PR title for next development release by @jpdahlke in #903
- errorprone :: ignore ByteBufferBackingArray in BDOTest by @dev-mlb in #917
- errorprone :: UnitTest - MethodCanBeStatic, InconsistentOverloads, No… by @dev-mlb in #918
- errorprone: BanClassLoader by @jpdahlke in #907
Breaking Changes
Other Changes
- remove duplicate JsonEscapePlace inventory entry by @jpdahlke in #906
- errorprone: FieldCanBeStatic - JsonOutputFilter by @jpdahlke in #904
- errorprone: LongDoubleConversion - suppress in MetricsFormatter by @jpdahlke in #908
- errorprone: MissingOverride - ByteTokenizer by @jpdahlke in #910
- errorprone: DifferentNameButSame by @jpdahlke in #909
- errorprone :: ignore SystemOut in Emissary by @dev-mlb in #915
- errorprone :: remove System.out in Namespace by @dev-mlb in #914
- errorprone: StaticQualifiedUsingExpression by @sambish5 in #912
- errorprone: ImmutableMemberCollection - suppressing in Emissary class by @jpdahlke in #905
- errorprone :: AvoidObjectArrays in Url and UrlData by @dev-mlb in #916
New Contributors
- @rupert-griffin made their first contribution in #830
Full Changelog: 8.10.0...8.11.0
What's Changed
New Features
Automation and Testing
- Fix LogbackTester bug which did not allow Exceptions with no (i.e. null) messages. by @jdcove2 in #888
Breaking Changes
- errorprone :: change casing of Kff FilterType enum by @jpdahlke in #844
- errorprone :: MemberName - CharsetUtil by @jpdahlke in #846
- errorprone :: MemberName - PkiUtil by @jpdahlke in #849
- errorprone :: MemberName - util package by @jpdahlke in #856
- errorprone :: MemberName - ObjectTracing by @jpdahlke in #870
- errorprone :: ConstantField - WorkSpace by @jpdahlke in #873
- errorprone :: MemberName by @jpdahlke in #857
- errorprone :: MemberName - kff package by @jpdahlke in #852
Other Changes
- update to VersionPlaceTest to allow it to run standalone by @jpdahlke in #901
- errorprone :: FieldCanBeFinal by @jpdahlke in #892
- errorprone :: update UnusedException messages by @jpdahlke in #895
- errorprone :: MultipleTopLevelClasses by @dev-mlb in #891
- errorprone :: MutablePublicArray by @dev-mlb in #890
- show the error message for subcommands by @dev-mlb in #889
Full Changelog: 8.9.0...8.10.0
What's Changed
- warn during startup when class string is not unique by @dev-mlb in #878
- Suppress server startup attempt when trying to pause a non-responsive server by @drivenflywheel in #885
- Add ConcatenateChannelFactory for seekable byte channels by @jdcove2 in #876
- reduce transform history output by @dev-mlb in #871
Automation and Testing
- Add RegressionTest error message for when possible non-deterministic behavior is detected. by @jdcove2 in #883
Breaking Changes
- Preserving the Original MD5 if the payload is hashed more than once by @drivenflywheel in #886
Other Changes
- next development iteration 8.9.0-SNAPSHOT by @github-actions in #880
- Deprecate IBDO/BDO ByteBuffer methods. by @jdcove2 in #884
- deprecating HtmlEscapePlace and HtmlEscape utility by @sambish5 in #882
- deprecating JavascriptEscapePlace and JavascriptEscape utility by @sambish5 in #881
- errorprone :: ConstantField by @jpdahlke in #872
- revert DATA_ID_STR_SZ field change by @cfkoehler in #893
Full Changelog: 8.8.0...8.9.0
What's Changed
Automation and Testing
Other Changes
- deprecating JsonEscapePlace and JsonEscape utility by @sambish5 in #879
- errorprone :: ConstantField - Emissary.EMISSARY_COMMANDS by @jpdahlke in #874
Full Changelog: 8.7.1...8.8.0