Releases: NationalSecurityAgency/emissary
Releases · NationalSecurityAgency/emissary
What's Changed
- Update startup logging by @dev-mlb in #839
- update transform history to store coordinated places as array list by @dev-mlb in #861
Bug Fixes
- properly handle escaped backslash characters in JsonEscape by @DonResnik in #843
Automation and Testing
- updated centos 7 to pull from vault by @dev-mlb in #838
- errorprone :: suppress HidingField by @sambish5 in #860
- add TransformHistory test class by @jpdahlke in #862
- removing public modifiers from junit5 tests where applicable by @sambish5 in #858
- Remove tech-debt from 'Improvement' release reporting by @jpdahlke in #866
Other Changes
- errorprone :: InconsistentCapitalization by @racheldaniels04 in #836
- errorprone :: ClassesCanBeStatic by @racheldaniels04 in #837
- errorprone :: MethodCanBeStatic by @racheldaniels04 in #840
- errorprone :: UnusedException by @racheldaniels04 in #841
- errorprone :: MemberName - ByteUtil by @jpdahlke in #845
- errorprone :: MemberName - FastStringBuffer by @jpdahlke in #855
- errorprone :: MemberName - pickup package by @jpdahlke in #854
- errorprone :: MemberName - StringUtil by @jpdahlke in #851
- errorprone :: MemberName - JDOMUtil by @jpdahlke in #850
- errorprone :: MemberName - directory package by @jpdahlke in #853
- errorprone :: MemberName - SizeUtil by @jpdahlke in #848
- errorprone :: suppress system out in main method by @dev-mlb in #859
- errorprone :: MemberName - TimeUtil by @jpdahlke in #847
- errorprone :: ConstantField - EmissaryClient.context by @jpdahlke in #865
- errorprone :: ConstantField - core classes by @jpdahlke in #863
- errorprone :: ConstantField - more core classes by @jpdahlke in #864
Full Changelog: 8.6.0...8.7.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
- HeartbeatManager bug fix by @DonResnik in #831
- DropOffPlace: Corrected order of Duration.between(...) arguments by @drivenflywheel in #833
- DependencyCheckTest: corrected static member initialization by @drivenflywheel in #834
Automation and Testing
- updating RegressionTest generateAnswers for when two classes are used for test .dat & answer files by @sambish5 in #821
Other Changes
- eliminated PMD warning "UselessQualifiedThis" in emissary by @racheldaniels04 in #825
- sonarlint :: add unload method to remove ThreadLocal objects by @jpdahlke in #818
- replaced the use of Enumeration in favor of Iterator for ByteTokenizer by @racheldaniels04 in #817
New Contributors
- @racheldaniels04 made their first contribution in #825
Full Changelog: 8.5.0...8.6.0
What's Changed
- errorprone :: NonFinalStaticField by @dev-mlb in #810
- errorprone :: test updates by @dev-mlb in #811
- errorprone :: ClassName by @dev-mlb in #813
- errorprone :: JDKObsolete Fix by @nixon124 in #755
Bug Fixes
- fix FeedCommand bug by @DonResnik in #820
- Modifying UnitTest so that alternative answer file location usage is thread-safe by @drivenflywheel in #826
Automation and Testing
- unittest :: move StartupTest to StartupIT by @dev-mlb in #809
- do not generate backup poms when setting new snapshot version after r… by @cfkoehler in #812
- errorprone :: revert 'static final' modifier in ServiceProviderPlaceTest by @dev-mlb in #814
- build :: disabled cache-to for pull requests by @dev-mlb in #816
Other Changes
- next development iteration 8.5.0-SNAPSHOT by @github-actions in #808
- 2860 Fix errorProne build by @ldhardy in #819
- update pom to remove tabs by @jpdahlke in #822
- errorprone :: allow java 16+ by @dev-mlb in #824
- Updating FlexibleDateTimeFormatter to cover edge cases by @arp-0984 in #770
- make FlexibleDateTimeParser remove regex configurable by @fbruton in #828
New Contributors
- @DonResnik made their first contribution in #820
Full Changelog: 8.4.0...8.5.0
What's Changed
- errorprone :: MemberName by @dev-mlb in #782
- errorprone :: ThrowSpecificExceptions by @dev-mlb in #780
- errorprone :: PreferredInterfaceType by @dev-mlb in #781
- errorprone :: InitializeInline by @dev-mlb in #806
- errorprone :: EqualsGetClass by @dev-mlb in #805
- sonarlint :: Version and VersionCommand cleanup by @dev-mlb in #778
- errorprone :: ConstantPatternCompile by @dev-mlb in #804
- errorprone :: JavaTimeDefaultTimeZone by @dev-mlb in #803
- errorprone :: PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass by @dev-mlb in #802
- errorprone :: NotJavadoc by @dev-mlb in #799
- errorprone :: RedundantThrows by @dev-mlb in #798
- errorprone :: SwitchDefault by @dev-mlb in #797
- errorprone :: UseEnumSwitch by @dev-mlb in #796
- errorprone :: ProtectedMembersInFinalClass by @dev-mlb in #794
- errorprone :: ParameterMissingNullable by @dev-mlb in #795
- errorprone :: ReturnAtTheEndOfVoidFunction by @dev-mlb in #793
- errorprone :: UnnecessaryLambda by @dev-mlb in #788
- errorprone :: BadInstanceof -- update unit tests to use assertInstanceOf by @dev-mlb in #787
- errorprone :: UnnecessaryBoxedVariable by @dev-mlb in #791
- errorprone :: ForEachIterable by @dev-mlb in #807
- errorprone :: InterruptedExceptionSwallowed by @dev-mlb in #790
- errorprone :: NarrowCalculation by @dev-mlb in #800
- errorprone :: StaticQualifiedUsingExpression by @dev-mlb in #792
- errorprone :: java.util.Date -> Instant by @dev-mlb in #773
- sonarlint :: add end condition to while loop in PickUpPlace by @jpdahlke in #786
- errorprone :: SystemExitOutsideMain by @sambish5 in #785
- errorprone :: UnnecessaryDefaultInEnumSwitch by @dev-mlb in #789
Other Changes
- next development iteration 8.4.0-SNAPSHOT by @github-actions in #784
Full Changelog: 8.3.0...8.4.0
What's Changed
- errorprone :: MissingOverride & RedundantOverride by @sambish5 in #772
- sonarlint :: do not ignore InterruptedException in DelayPlace by @jpdahlke in #775
- sonarlint :: remove Serializable from JsonOutputFilter inner class by @jpdahlke in #776
- errorprone :: UnusedVariable by @dev-mlb in #777
- errorprone :: EmptyCatch by @sambish5 in #774
- errorprone :: turn off some rules by @dev-mlb in #779
- adding ability to pull from different directories for test data & answer files by @sambish5 in #783
Bug Fixes
Other Changes
- next development iteration 8.3.0-SNAPSHOT by @github-actions in #768
Full Changelog: 8.2.0...8.3.0
What's Changed
- errorprone :: MissingSummary by @sambish5 in #757
- Pull out LoggingInputStream for use with any InputStream. by @jdcove2 in #760
- errorprone :: DeduplicateConstants by @sambish5 in #762
Bug Fixes
Automation and Testing
- Check repo name for slack notification by @cfkoehler in #753
- update action name syntax for release by @jpdahlke in #754
- fix typo in create-patch-branch message by @jpdahlke in #758
- update CI file formatting by @jpdahlke in #759
- github-actions :: block slack links from being unfurled in messages by @cfkoehler in #766
- docker ci build by @dev-mlb in #765
- fix detect-changes in ci build by @dev-mlb in #767
Other Changes
- next development iteration 8.2.0-SNAPSHOT by @github-actions in #752
- executrix :: binary mode by @dev-mlb in #756
Full Changelog: 8.1.0...8.2.0
What's Changed
- errorprone :: tackle a handful of single occurrence rules by @jpdahlke in #728
- remove unreachable code block in CharacterCounterSet by @jpdahlke in #740
- errorprone :: UnnecessarilyFullyQualified by @sambish5 in #735
- errorprone :: cleanup chunk of rules for tests only by @dev-mlb in #731
- sonarlint :: deprecate finalize method in JournaledCoalescer by @jpdahlke in #749
- errorprone :: UngroupedOverloads by @sambish5 in #747
- errorprone :: single instance warnings in some helper and test classes by @jdcove2 in #730
- sonarlint :: DropOffUtil language migration, constants, and naming updates by @jpdahlke in #748
- upgrade dropwizard metrics to 4.2.25 by @cfkoehler in #744
Bug Fixes
- documentation changes for groupId update by @cfkoehler in #741
Automation and Testing
- Skip slack notifications if running on a fork by @cfkoehler in #746
- add ubi8 build to ci by @dev-mlb in #751
Other Changes
- next development iteration 8.1.0-SNAPSHOT by @github-actions in #739
- Add ComparisonPlace. by @jdcove2 in #644
- Disconnect internal places in ComparisonPlace. by @jdcove2 in #745
- ubi :: update docker files to use ubi8 by @dev-mlb in #743
- Allow RegressionTest to be more extensible. by @jdcove2 in #750
Full Changelog: 8.0.0...8.1.0
What's Changed
- errorprone :: @ Nullable by @dev-mlb in #732
- errorprone :: MissingBraces and UnnecessaryParentheses by @sambish5 in #734
Automation and Testing
- unit-tests :: move HDMobileAgentBugTest to HDMobileAgentBugIT by @dev-mlb in #737
- unit-tests :: remove WhyDoYouMakeMeDoThisExtractionTest by @dev-mlb in #736
- errorprone :: add an errorprone CI build action by @jpdahlke in #729
- unit-tests :: update InterruptibleCharSequenceTest by @dev-mlb in #738
- switch to using main branch in actions by @jpdahlke in #694
Breaking Changes
- move to use 'blank space' by @jpdahlke in #733
- change to use ClassNameInventory file naming convention by @jpdahlke in #690
- update groupId to gov.nsa.emissary by @jpdahlke in #672
This release signifies the end of milestone releases as part of the 8.x series. This major release will be supported with minor/patch increments until the next major release.
Full Changelog: 7.19.1...8.0.0
What's Changed
New Features
- sonarlint :: HDMobileAgentBugTest by @jpdahlke in #715
- Remove old ObjectTracing class by @arp-0984 in #720
- replace whatBin fallback method in DropOffUtil by @jpdahlke in #714
- Add IBDO method to ensure data is available. by @jdcove2 in #718
- Deprecate setFileTypeIfEmpty with array input by @cfkoehler in #725
- set unlimited maxerrs and maxwarns for error prone by @dev-mlb in #726
Bug Fixes
Automation and Testing
- github-actions :: provide RELEASE_VERSION to slack-notify-complete by @jpdahlke in #716
- github-actions :: publish site to github pages in release action by @cfkoehler in #702
- megalinter :: disable action applying fixes by @cfkoehler in #722
Other Changes
- Deprecate by @jpdahlke in #717
- Have DropOffPlace stop calling by @jdcove2 in #709
- Add length attribute to RegressionTest XML for SBC and byte[] IBDO fields. by @jdcove2 in #724
Full Changelog: 8.0.0-M15...8.0.0-M16
What's Changed
- remove deprecated directoryplace constructors by @dev-mlb in #560
- Replaced SimpleDateFormat with DateTimeFormatter in DropOffUtil by @nixon124 in #680
- New method to copy metadata from parent to child with exclusions by @smcgrattan in #696
- resolve error-prone MissingBraces by @sambish5 in #708
- Optimize BufferedChannelFactory's internal buffer size. by @jdcove2 in #706
- Deprecate IBDO.clone()/BDO.clone() in preparation for deletion per Sonar warning by @jdcove2 in #707
- EmissaryServer shutdown when unannounced places are started in strict-mode by @sambish5 in #632
- Have strict server shutdown when CoordinationPlace place fails to create/DNE by @sambish5 in #669
- Excluding BooleanParameter from error-prone warnings by @sambish5 in #713
- Bump org.apache.commons:commons-compress from 1.24.0 to 1.26.0 by @dependabot in #705
Bug Fixes
Automation and Testing
- Update RegressionTest difference output style. by @jdcove2 in #704
- github-actions :: version in env, slack-bot message format by @cfkoehler in #701
- Adding Oss profile for maven central publish by @cfkoehler in #642
- github-actions :: add maven site build to CI action by @cfkoehler in #712
Other Changes
- reorder configs under pluginManagement section of pom by @jpdahlke in #697
- Move getDate from DropOffUtil to TimeUtil by @nixon124 in #711
Full Changelog: 8.0.0-M14...8.0.0-M15